OSI model Question multiple choice

  1. Routers operate at which layer of the OSI Model?

    B) Network
  2. Bits are packaged into frames at what layer of the OSI Model?

    D) Data Link
  3. Which of the following are benifits of using a layered network model?

    D) All of the above
  4. The layer of the OSI Model, from the top down are:

    D) Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical
  5. Which of the following operates at the Presentation layer?

    D) MIDI & JPEG
  6. Which of the following are Transport layer protocols?

    C) TCP & UDP
  7. Which of the following are considered to be the upper layer protocols?

    C) Application, Presentation, & Session
  8. Flow control takes place at what layer?

    E) Transport
  9. Encryption takes place at which layer?

    C) Presentation
  10. The Network layer uses physical addresses to route the data to destination hosts.

    C) False

    False B/C its the logical address
  11. Error detection & recovery takes place at what layer?

    B) Transport
  12. What layer establishes, maintains, & termenates communitions between applications located on different devices?

    C) Session
  13. IP is implemented at which OSI Model layer?

    C) Network
  14. Which layer handles the formatting of application data so that it will be readable by the destination system?

    E) Presentation
  15. Packets are found at which layer of the OSI Model?

    D) Transport
  16. Which layer translates between the physical (MAC) & logical address?

    E) Network
  17. What does OSI stand for?

    D) Open Systems Interconnect
  18. Repeaters & hubs operate at whaich layer?

    E) Physical
  19. Bit synchronization is handled at which layer of the OSI Model?

    C) Session
  20. Most logical addresses are present in network interface cards at the factory?

    B) False

    False B/C its the physical address
  21. Bridges operate at which layer of the OSI Model?

    B) Network
  22. What are the sublayers of the Data Link layer?

    B) MAC & LLC
  23. Which layer translates between physical & logical addresses?

    C) Network
  24. Which layer is responsible for packet sequencing, acknowledgements, & requests for retransmission?

    E) Transport
Card Set
OSI model Question multiple choice
OSI Model Quiz (Huggins)