Chp 6 Health Care Delivery System

  1. Types of Health Care Services
    Primary Prevention-health promotion & illness prevention

    Secondary Prevention- Diagnosis & Treatment

    Tertiary Prevention- rehabilitation
  2. Factors affecting Health Care-9
    • 1. Increase num of older adults
    • 2. Advances in Technology
    • 3. Womans Health
    • 4. Economics
    • 5. Uneven Distib of Services
    • 6. Homeless/poor
    • 8 Hippa
    • 9. Demograhic changes
  3. Swanson
    Caring is nurturing
  4. Watson
    moral ideal
  5. Roach
    6 c's-philosophical, human mode of being
  6. Benner
    essence of excellence
  7. Differential practice
    nursing personnel based on educational prep & skills test
  8. Managed care
    goals provide cost-effective, quality care, focused on decreased cost & improve outcomes
  9. Occupational Therapist-(Independent-key word)
    assists pt's with impaired function to gain skills for ADL's
  10. Physical Therapist
    helps regain physical strength & mobility
  11. Palliative care
    prevention & relief from suffering
  12. Health promotion programs address:
    • 1. nutrition
    • 2. weight control
    • 3. exercise
    • 4. stress reduction
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Chp 6 Health Care Delivery System
Types of Health Care Services-