NCLEX- Meds affecting reproductive tract

  1. What are estrogens used for?
    used for contraception, relief of postmenopausal symptoms as hot flashes and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  2. Premarin
    Estrogen used for many reasons.
  3. How do oral contraceptives work?
    Thickening the cervical mucous to slow sperm passage, alters the endometrial lining to prevent implantation and inhibits ovulation.
  4. What are some contraindication of estrogen therapy?
    Estrogen dependent cancer, thrombeoembolic disease.
  5. medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera)
    Progesterone. induces favorable condistions for fetal growth and development and maintain pregnancy.
  6. norethindrone (Micronor)
    Progesterone. induces favorable condistions for fetal growth and development and maintain pregnancy.
  7. Megestrol acetate (megace)
    Progesterone. induces favorable condistions for fetal growth and development and maintain pregnancy.
  8. What is an adverse effect similar to estrogen of progesterones?
    Thromboembolic events (MI, pulmonary embolism, thrombophlebities, CBA)
  9. Progesterones are preg category ?
  10. Besides thromboembolic events, what is another side effect of Hormonal contraceptives?
  11. Tetolactone (Teslac)
    Androgen used for testosterone effects.
  12. Finasteride (Proscar)
    5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Decreases usable testosterone and causes a reduction of the prostate size and increases hair growth.
  13. Dutasteride (avodart)
    5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Decreases usable testosterone and causes a reduction of the prostate size and increases hair growth.
  14. What are a couple of side effects of 5- alpha reducatse inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride
    Decreased libido/ ejac amt and gynecomastia.
  15. Tamsulosin (Flomax)
    Alpha 1- adrenergic antagonists. For BPH. Drecreases mechanical obstruction of the urethra bey relaxing smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate.
  16. Silodosin (Rapaflo)
    Alpha 1- adrenergic antagonists. For BPH Drecreases mechanical obstruction of the urethra by relaxing smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate.
  17. A pt taking a alpha 1- adrenergic antagonist should be monitored for what?
  18. Vardenfil (Levitra)
    PDe5 inhibitor used for erectile dysfunciton.
  19. What are a couple side effects of PDEF inhibitors such as levitra, cialis and viagra>
    MI, sudden death and priapism.
  20. What type of drug is Isosorbide Dinitrate (Isordil)?
    Organic nitrate!!! dont take w/ viagra
  21. PDE5 inhibitors (viagra) are contraindicated in who?
    People taking nitrates. Can lead to fatal hypotension.
  22. When should pt's take PDE5 inhibitors (viagra, levitra, etc..)
    1 hour before sexual activity.
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NCLEX- Meds affecting reproductive tract
NCLEX- Meds affecting reproductive tract