
  1. 가난 (~하다)
    poverty (poor) (14 56)
  2. 가치관
    one's sense of values (14 56)
  3. 갈등
    crisis (14 56)
  4. 계층
    social classes (14 56)
  5. 고용인
    employee (14 56)
  6. 고용주
    employer (14 56)
  7. 과거
    past (14 56)
  8. 과소비 (~하다)
    conspicuous consumption (do...) (14 56)
  9. 교섭 (~하다)
    negotiation (negotiate) (14 56)
  10. 근로자
    worker/laborer/wage earner (14 56)
  11. 낙관 (~하다)
    optimistic view (take an optimistic view of ~) (14 56)
  12. 낙관적
    optimistic (14 56)
  13. 노동자
    laborer (14 56)
  14. 노동조합 (노조)
    labor union (14 56)
  15. 노사분규
    labor dispute (14 56)
  16. 농성 (~하다)
    sit-in strike (go on...) (14 56)
  17. 데모
    demonstration (14 56)
  18. 독재 (~하다)
    dictatorship (have a...) (14 56)
  19. 딜레마
    dilemma (14 56)
  20. 마련 (~하다)
    preparation (prepare) (14 56)
  21. 미래
    future (14 56)
  22. 믿다
    believe/trust (14 56)
  23. 부분
    part/portion (14 56)
  24. 부유층
    upper class (14 56)
  25. 부유하다
    rich (14 56)
  26. 부자
    the rich (14 56)
  27. 부정부패
    injustice and corruption (14 56)
  28. 불신 (~하다)
    mistrust/disbelief (mistrust/disbelieve) (14 56)
  29. 불평등 (~하다)
    inequality (inequal) (14 56)
  30. 비관 (~하다)
    pessimistic view (take a pessimistic view of ~) (14 56)
  31. 비관적
    pessimistic (14 56)
  32. 빈곤층
    lower class (14 56)
  33. 사치 (~하다)
    extravagance (extravagant) (14 56)
  34. 사회복지정책
    social welfare policy (14 56)
  35. 선진국
    advanced country (14 56)
  36. 세기
    century (14 56)
  37. 시위 (~하다)
    demonstration (demonstrate) (14 56)
  38. 예상 (~하다)
    expectation/prospect (expect) (14 56)
  39. 외롭다
    lonely (14 56)
  40. 요구 (~하다)
    request (request) (14 56)
  41. 이루다
    accomplish (14 56)
  42. 일부
    part/portion (14 56)
  43. 자살 (~하다)
    suicide (commit suicide) (14 56)
  44. 전망 (~하다)
    prospect/outlook (forecast) (14 56)
  45. 전부
    whole/all/entirely (14 56)
  46. 중산층
    middle class (14 56)
  47. 파업 (~하다)
    strike (strike) (14 56)
  48. 평등 (~하다)
    equality (equal) (14 56)
  49. 현재
    present (14 56)
  50. 협상 (~하다)
    negotiation (negotiate) (14 56)
  51. 호화혼수
    luxurious articles for wedding and marriage (14 56)
  52. -화 (e.g. 민주화 선진화 세계화)
    proliferation (of...)/transformation (into...) (14 56)
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