Review (Emergency Drugs)

  1. a drug that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system causing relaxation of smooth muscles of bronchi (bronchodilation):
    • adrenergics/vasoconstrictors
    • (vasoconstriction; cardiac stimulation)
  2. a drug that relieves pain without causing a loss of consciousness:
    • analgesics
    • (opioids are typically the most effective)
  3. a drug that is capable of producing a complete or partial loss of feeling/sensation:
  4. a drug that attaches itself to the receptor, preventing an agonist from acting:
    • antagonists
    • (commonly those formulated to counteract the effects of sedatives and analgesics)
  5. a drug used to treat chronic cardiac arrhythmias (dysrhythmias):
  6. a drug that prevents or reduces the severity of epileptic or other convulsive seizures:
  7. a drug capable of reducing the physiological and pharmacological effects of allergic reactions/allergies:
    • antihistamines
    • (include a wide variety of drugs that block histamine receptors)
  8. a drug that kills or inhibits the growth or replication of microorganisms; includes antibiotics which are medications given to treat wound infections and infectious diseases:
  9. a drug that stimulates peristalsis and/or promotes defecation
    • cathartics
    • (a laxative preparation)
  10. a drug used to control the level of glucose in the blood, primarily as a treatment for diabetes mellitus; lowers blood sugar level:
  11. a drug that exerts a quieting effect, often inducing sleep; depresses and relaxes the CNS and reduces mental activity; prescribed to calm anxious or agitated people:
    • sedatives and tranquilizers
    • (ideally works without decreasing consciousness)
    • (a common term for bensodiazepines)
  12. a drug that relaxes skeletal and striated muscle tissue:
    skeletal muscle relaxer
  13. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for adrenalin:
    • adrenergic/vasoconstrictor
    • aka epinephrine
  14. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for tylenol:
    • analgesic
    • aka acetaminophen
  15. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for benadryl:
    • analgesic AND antihistamine
    • aka diphenydramine
  16. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for demerol:
    • analgesic
    • aka meperidine
  17. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for morphine sulfate:
  18. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for bayer aspirin:
    • analgesic
    • aka acetylsalicylic
  19. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for naproxen:
    • analgesic
    • aka naproxen sodium
  20. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for advil:
    • analgesic
    • aka ibuprofen
  21. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for alcohol:
  22. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for betadine:
    • antimicrobial
    • aka iodine
  23. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for keflex:
    • antimicrobial
    • aka cephalosporin
  24. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for bactrim:
  25. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for penicillin:
  26. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for valium:
    • anticonvulsant AND sedative/tranquilizer
    • aka diazepam
  27. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for cerebyx:
    • anticonvulsant
    • aka fosphenytoin
  28. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for lidocaine:
    • antiarrhythmic AND anesthetic
    • aka xylocaine
  29. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for dulcolax:
    • cathartic
    • aka bisacodyl
  30. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for castor oil:
  31. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for magnesium citrate:
  32. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for versed:
    • sedative/tranquilizer
    • aka midazolam
  33. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for librium:
    • sedative/tranquilizer
    • aka chlordiazepoxide
  34. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for pentothal:
    • anesthetic
    • aka thiopental sodium
  35. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for fluothane:
    • anesthetic
    • aka nitrous oxide
  36. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for romazicon:
    • antagonist
    • aka flumazenil
    • given to counteract the effects of valium and versed
  37. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for narcan:
    • antagonist
    • aka naloxone
    • given to counteract the effects of opiates such as morphine, and prevents or reverses respiratory depression, sedation, and low blood pressure
  38. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for anectine:
    • skeletal muscle relaxer
    • aka succinylocholine chloride
    • used to insert ET tubes or relax patients for invasive procedures
  39. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for insulin:
  40. give the drug category (and chemical name, if applicable) for metformin:
    • hypoglycemic
    • aka glucophage
    • contraindicated in patients who have a poor kidney function (check BUN/creatinine levels)
  41. give the brand name and drug category for epinephrine: 
    • adrenalin
    • adrenergic
  42. give the brand name and drug category for acetaminophen:
    • tylenol
    • analgesic
  43. give the brand name and drug category for diphenydramine:
    • benadryl
    • analgesic AND antihistamine
  44. give the brand name and drug category for meperidine:
    • demerol
    • analgesic
  45. give the brand name and drug category for acetylsalicylic:
    • (bayer) aspirin
    • analgesic
  46. give the brand name and drug category for naproxen sodium:
    • naproxen
    • analgesic
  47. give the brand name and drug category for ibuprofen:
    • advil
    • analgesic
  48. give the brand name and drug category for iodine:
    • betadine
    • antimicrobial
  49. give the brand name and drug category for cephalosporin:
    • keflex
    • antimicrobial
  50. give the brand name and drug category for diazepam:
    • valium
    • anticonvulsant and sedative/tranquilizer
  51. give the brand name and drug category for fosphenytoin:
    • cerebyx
    • anticonvulsant
  52. give the brand name and drug category for xylocaine:
    • lidocaine
    • antiarrhythmic AND anesthetic
  53. give the brand name and drug category for bisacodyl:
    • dulcolax
    • cathartic
  54. give the brand name and drug category for midazolam:
    • versed
    • sedative/tranquilizer
  55. give the brand name and drug category for chlordiazepoxide:
    • librium
    • sedative/tranquilizer
  56. give the brand name and drug category for thiopental sodium:
    • pentothal
    • anesthetic
  57. give the brand name and drug category for nitrous oxide:
    • fluothane
    • anesthetic
  58. give the brand name and drug category for flumazenil:
    • romazicon
    • antagonist
    • given to counteract the effects of valium and versed
  59. give the brand name and drug category for naloxone:
    • narcan
    • antagonist
    • given to counteract the effects of opiates such as morphine, and prevents or reverses respiratory depression, sedation, and low blood pressure
  60. give the brand name and drug category for succinylocholine chloride:
    • anectine
    • skeletal muscle relaxer
    • used to insert ET tubes or relax patients for invasive procedures
  61. give the brand name and drug category for glucophage:
    • metformin
    • hypoglycemic
    • contraindicated in patients who have a poor kidney function (check BUN/creatinine levels)
  62. list an example of an adrenergic/vasoconstrictor:
    adrenalin / epinephrine
  63. list seven examples of analgesics:
    • tylenol / acetaminophen
    • benadryl / diphenydramine
    • demerol / meperidine
    • morphine sulfate (MS)
    • (bayer) aspirin / acetylsalicylic
    • naproxen / naproxen sodium
    • advil / ibuprofen
  64. list an example of an antihistamine:
    benadryl / diphenydramine
  65. list five examples of antimicrobials:
    • alcohol
    • betadine / iodine
    • keflex / cephalosporins
    • bactrim
    • penicillin
  66. list two examples of anticonvulsants:
    • valium / diazepam
    • cerebyx / fosphenytoin
  67. list an example of an antiarrhythmic:
    lidocaine / xylocaine
  68. list three examples of cathartics:
    • dulcolax / bisacodyl
    • castor oil
    • magnesium citrate
  69. list three examples of sedatives/tranquilizers:
    • valium / diazepam
    • versed / midazolam
    • librium / chlordiazepoxide
  70. list three examples of anesthetics:
    • pentothal / thiopental sodium
    • fluothane / nitrous oxide
    • lidocaine / xylocaine
  71. list two examples of anatonists:
    • romazicon / flumazenil
    • narcan / naloxone
  72. list an example of a skeletal muscle relaxer:
    anectine / succinylocholine chloride
  73. list two examples of hypoglycemics:
    • insulin
    • metformin / glucophage
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Review (Emergency Drugs)
A review of emergency drugs for a quiz in Procedures IV.