chapter 14

  1. clemency
    powers of mercy that may be shown toward those convicted a crime
  2. commutation
    the power to reduce a criminal sentence of fine
  3. amnesty
    a general pardon for a group of law breakers
  4. recognition
    the diplomatic practice by which one nation's gov acknowledges the legal existence of another nation's gov
  5. persona non grata
    the title given to officals when the pres recalls them from a foreign country because he is dipleased with that country's conduct
  6. mass media
    those means of communication that reach large, widely dipersed audiences simultaneously
  7. imperial presidency
    the concept that the pres. behaves like an emperor, taking strong actions with out consulting congress or seeking its approval sometimes even acting in secrecy to evade or deceive congress
  8. line item veto
    the executive power to delete any part of a bill rather than disapprove of the entire bill
  9. reprieve
    an offical postponment of the execution of a prison sentence
  10. pardon
    the release from the punishment or legal consequences of a crime
  11. executive order
    a rule the pres. makes for the carrying out laws that itself has the force of law.
  12. ordinance power
    the pres. power to issue executive orders, given by the constitution and acts of congress
  13. executive article
    the oath sworn by the pres on the day he takes office, which gives him the power to execute the law
  14. executive article
    article of II of the constitution, which vests of the executive power of the U.S. in the pres.
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chapter 14
ch 14