Chapter 48

  1. What does the central nervous system (CNS) consist of?
    The brain and spinal cord.
  2. What does the peripheral nervous system (PNS) consist of?
    The nerves that connect the CNS with the rest of an animal's body- the sensory and motor neurons.
  3. Sensory Neurons
    They transmit information from sensors that detect external stimuli to the CNS.
  4. Motor Neurons
    They communicate with effector cells (muscle or endocrine cells).
  5. What are the three stages of information processing?
    Sensory input, integration, and motor output.
  6. What does an interferon do?
    It connects two neurons.
  7. What is the path a nerve inpulse follows?
    Dendrite --> Cell Body --> Axon Hillock --> Axon

  8. What is A?

  9. What is B?
    Cell Body.

  10. What is C?
    The Nucleus.

  11. What is D?
    Axon Hillock.

  12. What is E?

  13. What is F?
    Myelin Sheath

  14. What is G?
    Signal Direction.

  15. What is H?

  16. What is I?
    Synaptic Terminals.

  17. What type of cell is Cell A (labeled in red)?
    Presynaptic Cell.

  18. What type of cell is Cell B (labeled in blue)?
    Postsynaptic Cell.

  19. What type of neuron is this?
    Sensory Neuron

  20. What type of neuron is depicted above?

  21. What type of neuron is this?
    Motor Neuron
  22. What are glia?
    Supporting Cells
  23. What are astrocytes and what do they do?
    They are helper cells found in the CNS. They help with structural and metabolic support, help form the blood-brain barrier, and communicate using chemical signals.
  24. Where are ogliodendrocytes found?
    In the CNS.
Card Set
Chapter 48
Biology 109 at UMKC flash cards