Erikson's Stages

  1. Erikson's stages
    Infancy: birth to 1year
    • basic trust versus mistrust. Infants learn either to trust or mistrust that significant others will properly care for thier basic
    • needs, including nourishment sucking, warmth, cleanliness, and physical contact.
  2. Erikson's stages
    Toddler: 1-3 years
    • autonomy versus shame and doubt. Children learn either to be self-sufficient in many activities, including toileting, feeding,
    • walking, and talking, or to doubt thier own abilities.
  3. Erikson's stages
    Preschool: 4-6 years
    • initiative versus guilt. children want to undertake many adult-like activities, sometimes going beyond the limits set by parents
    • and feeling guilty because of it.
  4. Erikson's stages
    School age: 7-11 years
    industry versus inferiority. Children eagerly learn to be competent and productive or feel inferior and unable to do any task well.
  5. Erikson's stages
    Adolescence: 12-19 years
    identity versus role confusion. Adolescents try to figure out "Who am I?" They establish sexual, ethnic, and career indentities or are confused about what future roles to play.
  6. Erikson's stages
    Young Adulthood: 20-44 years
    intimacy versus isolation. young adults seek companionship and love with another person or become isolated from others.
  7. Erikson's stages
    Middle Adulthood: 45-65 years
    generativity versus stagnation. middle-aged adults are productive, performing meaningful work and raising a family, or become stagnant and inactive.
  8. Erikson's stages
    Late Adulthood: 65+
    ego integrity versus despair. older adults try to make sense out of their lives, either seeing life as meaningful and whole or despairing at goals never reached and questions never answered.
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Erikson's Stages
Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development