CRJ Quiz 1

  1. The basis of all laws in the US is the:
    US Constitution
  2. The three branches of government are:
    Legislative, executive, judicial
  3. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution ar commonly called:
    The Bill of Rights
  4. This system within the govt keeps each branch from becoming too powerful.
    Checks and balances
  5. The "right of the people to keep and bear arms" is found in this amendment.
    2nd amendment
  6. The right against self incrimination is found in this amendment.
    5th amendment
  7. "Freedom of speech" is found in this amendment.
    1st Amendment
  8. The right "against unreasonable searches and seizures" is found in this amendment.
    4th Amendment
  9. The right "to be confronted with the witnesses against him" is found in this amendment.
    6th Amendment
  10. The right protecting us against "cruel and unusual punishments" is found in this amendment.
    8th Amendment
  11. This can be referred to as fundamental fairness.
  12. This concept changes over time as the moral values of a society change.
    Social Justice
  13. The implied agreement between citizens and their government as a way of maintaining social order is called this:
    Social Contract
  14. "Two Models of the Criminal Justice Process" was written by:
    Herbert Packer
  15. The basis of this model is speed and efficiency.
    Crime Control
  16. This model has been compared to an obstacle course.
    Due Process
  17. There are how many components of the criminal justice system?  They are?
    Three:  Police, corrections, courts.
  18. A person serves here when they've been convicted of a felony and are serving a sentence of incarceration of over one year.
  19. When a person is arrested, they are taken here to be processed and booked.
  20. The three primary sources of crime statistics in the US are:
    UCR (Uniform Crime Report), NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System), and the NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey).
  21. Part I offenses on the UCR are:
    Murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, arson.
  22. On the UCR, this applies and only accounts the most serious offense and ignores all others that may have occurred at that time.
    Hierarchy Rule
  23. The Uniform Crime Report reports crime statistics as:
    Rate of Crime (UCR Crime index)

    • # of Reported Crimes
    • -------------------------- X 100,000= Rate/100k
    •     Total Population
  24. The study of crime and its causes.
  25. An act that violates or departs from the social norms is called:
  26. The classical school of criminology was founded by:
    Cesare Beccaria
  27. "Hedonistic calculus" is attributed to:
    Jeremy Bentham
  28. If an individual commits a criminal act, then they deserve to be punished for that act.
    "Just Desserts"
  29. The study of the skull to determine personality.
  30. Sigmund Freud determined that the human personality is made up of three parts:
    id, ego, and superego.
  31. Three First Amendment Rights:
    1.  Establishment of religion and not prohibiting free exercise of it.

    2.  Freedom of speech and of the press

    3.  Right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  32. Second Amendment Right:
    The right to bear arms.
  33. Fourth Amendment Right:
    Right against unreasonable search and seizures.
  34. Five fifth amendment rights:
    • 1.  Right to a Grand Jury Hearing
    • 2.  Right against double jeopardy
    • 3.  Right against self-incrimination
    • 4.  eminent domain
    • 5.  due process
  35. 7 Sixth Amendment Rights:
    1.  Right to a speedy trial

    2.  Right to a public trial

    3.  Right to a trial by an impartial jury

    4.  Right to be informed of the charges against you

    5.  Right to confront witnesses against you

    6.  Right to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in your favor

    7.  Right to have an attorney 
  36. 3 Eighth amendment rights:
    1.  Right against excessive bail.

    2.  Right against excessive fines

    3.  Right against cruel and unusual punishments inflicted
  37. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment has been commonly referred to as the:
    "Due process clause"
  38. Normlessness
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CRJ Quiz 1
Quiz 1