chapter 6

  1. classical conditioning
    • reflexive involuntary responses to stimuli other
    • than the original one
  2. operant conditioning
    • voluntary responses to stimuli through consequences of previous acts
    • punishing, reinforcement..etc
  3. cognitive social learning
    learning through thought processes underlying behaviors
  4. stimulus generalization
    tendency to respond in the same way to stimuli with similar characters
  5. stimulus discrimination
    learned response to a specific stimulus, but not to other similar stimuli
  6. reinforcements
    responses that are strengthened and likely to increase
  7. punished responses
    they are weakened and like to DECREASE
  8. primary reinforcers
    e.g. food, something we can't live withouth
  9. secondary reinforcers
    e.g. money; is learned
  10. positive reinforcement (+)
    (+) add something that increases the likelihood of the response
  11. negative reinforcement (-)
    takes something AWAY that INCREASES likelihood of the response (-)
  12. Principles of reinforcement
    • strengthening a response through reinforcement
    • schedules of reinforcement
    • shaping
    • weakening a response through punishment
  13. shaping
    involves reinforcement for successive approximations if the desired response
  14. positive punishment
    add something that will decrease the likelihood of the response
  15. negative response
    taking away something that will decrease the likelihood of the response
  16. insight learning
    learning occurs with a sudden flash of understanding
  17. latent learning
    learning occurs without reinforcement and remain hidden until needed
Card Set
chapter 6
Learning/ Conditioning