
  1. *provides standards for ID, quality, strength, & purity of substances.

    *single vol.

    *revised annually
    • US Pharmacopeia (USP)
    • and the National Formulatory (NF)
  2. USAN name, pronunciation guide, chemical form., chem. name, brand name, manufacturer, registry #, & therapuetic category for over 1,000 drugs

    USP Dictionary of USAN & International Drug Names
  3. Quick comparison of brand and gen. names & checking availability of strengths and dosage forms.

    abbr, tables, norm lab results, glossary, man's address

    All drugs in US, edit yearly
    American Drug Index
  4. ae
    adverse effects
  5. American Hospital Formulatory Service, Drug Information
    Official reference for major organizations.

    standard reference in many pharmacies.
  6. Drug Interaction Facts
    Most useful for drug interactions.
  7. Drug Facts and Comparisons
    Includes most current FDA approved package insert info & cross comparison tables of similar drugs
  8. Handbook for Injectable Drugs
    Compatibility of injectable drugs
  9. Handbook of Nonprescription drugs
    OTC drugs, 3 major advantages, questions for pts, selection guide, teaching info
  10. Martindale - The Complete Drug Reference
    drugs in current use worldwide + herbs
  11. Natural Medicines Comprehension Database
    Gold standard reference for over 1,000 herbal meds
  12. Physician's Desk Reference PDR
    MEDWATCH forms (voluntary FDA program for reporting drug a/e by healthcare professionals.
  13. PDR 5 sections
    • 1 G Man's index
    • 2 w brand/generic name index
    • 3 g product category
    • 4 g product ID Guide
    • 5 w '' info
  14. Medical Letter
    brief comments on new drug products and findings
  15. Package Inserts
    Fed law required info FDA approved in ea package of product, website
  16. Nursing Journals
    articles of drugs, updates, considerations, not as reliable
  17. Electronic Database
    growing source, cd, mobile, internet

    eg: Davis Drug Guide, National Library of Medicine
  18. Nsg Drug Handbooks
    3 vol. set

    • 1 - health professional
    • 2 - pt in lay terms
    • 3 - fda approved drug list
  19. Pharm printouts
    source of pt info
  20. Tyler's Honest Herbal
    current herb therapy, lay terms
Card Set
5 & 6