Clinical prep info

  1. Critical lab values to memorize?
    • K+
    • Na+
    • Mg+
    • H/H
    • Ca++
    • BUN/Cr
    • WBC
    • Glucose
    • Platelets
    • pH
    • CO2
    • O2
    • HCO3 (bicarb)
  2. What is the 5 point physical assessment?
    • For every new symptom, perform 5 point in under 2 minutes. 
    • 1) Central/Neural: make eye contact, ask how they're doing. Assess for eye contact, eye opening, and appropriate, timely response. 
    • 2) Central Cardiac: Listen to heart, listen for normalcy/ baseline. Look at ECG.
    • 3)Peripheral cardiac: Feel pulses, strength, color, temp. Mottled knees = emergency. 10 seconds each pulse for each extremity.
    • 4) Pulmonary: WOB, Resp Rate, even, PO2, follow tubes to equipment, lung sounds.
    • 5) GI/GU if relevant: Distended, 
  3. Independent vs. dependent nursing interventions?
    • Dependent: requires IP order
    •    IV rate
    •    CXR
    •    Medications

    • Independent:
    •    Assessment AND REASSESSMENT
    •    IV patency
    •    Ambulating
    •    Repositioning
    •    Oral care
    •    Teaching
    •    Bed change
    •    IV start
    •    Hand washing
    •    I/S
Card Set
Clinical prep info
Adult MedSurg 2