Chapter 13

  1. What does a virus consist of?
    DNA/RAN surrounded by a protien coat
  2. What are the shapes of viruses?
    • Isometric - equal sides
    • Helical - kind of rod shaped
    • Complex - Stop sign with legs
  3. What is the lytic cycle?
    • When a virus is "alive."
    • Example: When you have a cold sore.
  4. What is the latent cycle?
    • When the virus is inert or dormant.
    • Example: when you don't have a cold sore.
  5. What are the 6 steps of the lytic cycle?
    • Absorption
    • Penetration
    • Transcription/Translation
    • Replication
    • Assembly (or maturation)
    • Release
  6. What happens during attachment?
    The virus attaches to the bacteria
  7. What happens during penetration?
    The virus or its nucleic acid enters the cell.
  8. What happens during Transcription/Replication?
    Duplication of viral components
  9. What happens during assembly?
    Replicated viral components become a mature virus
  10. What happens during release?
    Host cell bursts and releases virus's to the environment
  11. What is masking?
    When a virus uses part of the old cells membrane as its envelope, in order to look like the host cell.
  12. What is Lysogeny?
    • Replication of a temperate virus
    • (non-productive cycle)
  13. What is incorporation?
    • When the DNA/RNA of the virus incorporates into the host chromosome
    • DNA only replicates when the host replicates
  14. What is lysogenic conversion?
    When the virus confers new properties on to the cell
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13