MT Abbrev

  1. #
  2. 3DCRT
    three-dimensional computed radiography tomography
  3. A
  4. Alc
    average glucose level
  5. A+P
    auscultation and percussion
  6. A, B, AB, O
    blood types
  7. ABG
    arterial blood gases
  8. ABR
    auditory brain response
  9. Acc
  10. ACS
    • anterior ciliary sclerotomy;
    • American College of Surgeons
  11. ACTH
    adrenocorticotropic hormone
  12. AD
    Alzheimer disease
  13. ADH
    antidiuretic hormone
  14. ADHD
    attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  15. AEB
    atrial ectopic beats
  16. AF
    atrial fibrillation
  17. AFP
    alpha-fetoprotein test
  18. AHIMA
    American Health Information Management Association
  19. AI
    artificial insemination
  20. AIDS
    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  21. AK
    astigmatic keratotomy
  22. ALS
    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  23. ALL
    acute lymphocytic lukemia
  24. AMI
    acute mycardial infarction
  25. AML
    acute myelogenous leukemia
  26. ANA
    antinuclear antibody
  27. ANS
    autonomic nervous system
  28. AP
  29. APA
    American Psychiatric Association
  30. ARF
    • acute renal failure;
    • acute respiratory failure
  31. ARMD, AMD
    age-related macular degeneration
  32. AS
    aortic stenosis
  33. ASD
    atrial septal defect
  34. ASHD
    arteriosclerotic heart disease
  35. ASL
    American sign language
  36. Astigm, As, Ast
  37. AV
  38. B2M
    beta-2 microglobulin
  39. BaS
    barium swallow
  40. Baso
  41. BBB
    • blood-brain barrier;
    • bundle branch block
  42. BCC
    basal cell carcinoma
  43. BD
    bipolar disorder
  44. BE
    barium enema
  45. BM
    bowel movement
  46. BMP
    basic metabolic panel
  47. BMT
    bone marrow transplant
  48. BP
    blood pressure
  49. BPH
    benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy
  50. BPM
    beats per minute
  51. BSE
    breast self-examination
  52. BTA
    bladder tumor antigen
  53. BUN
    blood urea nitrogen
  54. bx
  55. C1-C7
    first cervical through seventh cervical vertebrae
  56. C1-C8
    cervical nerves
  57. CA
  58. CA125
    tumor marker primarily for ovarian cancer
  59. CA15-3
    tumor marker used to monitor breast cancer
  60. CA19-9
    tumor marker for pancreatic, stomach and bile duct cancer
  61. CA27-29
    tumor marker used to check for recurrence of breast cancer
  62. CABG
    coronary artery bypass graft
  63. CAD
    coronary artery disease
  64. CAM
    complementary and alternative medicine
  65. CAPD
    continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
  66. CAT
    computed axial tomography
  67. Cath
    (cardiac) catheterization
  68. CBC
    complete blood cell (count)
  69. CCB
    calcium channel blocker(s)
  70. CCF
    congestive cardiac failure
  71. CEA
    carcinoembryonic antigen
  72. CF
    cystic fibrosis
  73. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  74. CIN
    cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  75. CK
    creatine kinase
  76. CIS
    carcinoma in situ
  77. CLL
    chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  78. CML
    chronic myelogenous lukemia
  79. CMP
    comprehensive metabolic panel
  80. CNS
    central nervous system
  81. CO2
    carbon dioxide
  82. COPD
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  83. CP
    cerebral palsy
  84. CPAP
    continuous positive airway pressure
  85. CPK
    creatine phosphokinase
  86. CPR
    cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  87. CPT
    Current Procedural Terminology
  88. CKD
    chronic kidney disease
  89. CS
    cesarean section
  90. CSF
    cerebrospinal fluid
  91. CST
    contraction stress test
  92. CT scan
    computed tomography scan
  93. CTA
    clear to auscultation
  94. CTR
    certified tumor registrar
  95. CTS
    carpal tunnel syndrome
  96. CV
  97. CVA
    cerebrovascular accident
  98. CVS
    chorionic villus sampling
  99. CWP
    coal workers' pneumoconiosis
  100. Cx
  101. CXR
    chest x-ray
  102. D&C
    dialation and curretage
  103. D1-D12
    first dorsal through twelfth dorsal vertebrae
  104. DAP
    Draw-a-Person Test
  105. Decub
    pressure ulcer
  106. DEXA, DXA
    dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
  107. DI
    diabetes insipidus
  108. Diff
    differential WBC count
  109. DJD
    degenerative joint disease
  110. DM
    diabetes mellitus
  111. DOE
    dyspnea on exertion
  112. DRE
    digital rectal exam
  113. DSA
    digital subtraction angiography
  114. DSM
    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  115. DT
    delirium tremens
  116. DTR
    deep tendon reflex
  117. DUB
    dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  118. DVT
    deep vein thrombosis
  119. EBV
    Epstein-Barr virus
  120. ECC
    extracorporeal circulation
  121. ECCE
    extracapsular cataract extraction
  122. ECG, EKG
  123. ECHO
  124. ECP
    emergency contraceptive pills
  125. ECT
    electroconvulsive therapy
  126. ED
    emergency department
  127. EDD
    estimated delivery date
  128. EEG
  129. EF
    external fixation
  130. EGD
  131. EM, em
  132. EMG
  133. EOC
    epithelial ovarian cancer
  134. EOM
    extraocular movements
  135. Eosins
  136. EP
    evoked potential
  137. ERCP
    endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
  138. ERT
    estrogen replacement therapy
  139. ESR
    erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  140. ESRD
    end-state renal disease
  141. EST
    exercise stress test
  142. ESWL
    extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
  143. EVLT
    endovenous laser ablation
  144. FB
    foreign body
  145. FBS
    fasting blood sugar
  146. FHR
    fetal heart rate
  147. FOBT
    fecal occult blood test
  148. FPG
    fasting plasma glucose
  149. FSH
    follicle-stimulating hormone
  150. FTA-ABS
    fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
  151. Fx
  152. G
    grade, pregnancy
  153. GAD
    generalized anxiety disorder
  154. GAF
    global assessment of functioning
  155. GARS
    gait assessment rating scale
  156. GB
  157. Gc
  158. GCT
    germ cell tumor
  159. GERD
    gastroesophageal reflux disease
  160. GFR
    glomerular filtration rate
  161. GH
    growth hormone
  162. GI
  163. GIFT
    gamete intrafallopian transfer
  164. GN
  165. GPA
    gravida, para, abortion
  166. H
  167. HAV
    hepatitis A virus
  168. Hb
  169. HBV
    hepatitis B virus
  170. hCG
    human chorionic gonadotropin
  171. Hct
    hematocrit; packed-cell volume
Card Set
MT Abbrev
abbreviations in medical terminology