Western Civ Test 1

  1. Which of the following terms best describes the peoples of the Paleolithic period?
  2. Which of the following practices does not date back to the Paleolithic period?
    Establishment of permanent homes
  3. Which activity predominated in the lives of Paleolithic peoples?
    Searching for food
  4. Which of the following is not revealed or suggested by burial practices?
    Differences in leisure activities
  5. What environmental change is believed to have led to a radical change in the nomadicPaleolithic way of life?
    The climate in certain Near East regions became milder and wetter, resulting in increasedfertility of the land.
  6. The domestication of plants and animals enabled or resulted in all of the following except
    belief in an afterlife.
  7. Which of the following was not a result of the invention and spread of agriculture during theNeolithic period?
    Greater equality between genders
  8. Which of the following applies to the Neolithic but not to the Paleolithic period?
    Labor was usually divided along gender lines
  9. The Sumerians offered all of the following items for trade except
  10. In general, the ancient Sumerians viewed slavery as
    a fact of life that could happen to almost anyone under certain circumstances
  11. Early Mesopotamian citystategovernments are categorized as
  12. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient Mesopotamian poem that tells the story of
    the powerful king of Uruk who unsuccessfully tries to find immortality
  13. What primary purpose did the Mesopotamian ziggurats serve?
    These towering temples were built ten stories high so that Mesopotamians could honor theirgods.
  14. What was the Sumerians' purpose in inventing writing?
    The Sumerians invented writing to record their laws.
  15. The Babylonians created some of the earliest written laws, the most famous being the code ofHammurabi (r. c. 1792–1750 B.C.E), which was written primarily in response to
    an increase in private commerce and property ownership
  16. Which Mesopotamian inventions most influenced later mathematical and astronomicaldevelopments?
    Algebra, astronomical charts, and the mathematical placevaluenotation system
  17. The first civilizations in the ancient Near East emerged in
    Mesopotamia (c. 4000–3000 B.C.E.), Egypt (c. 3100–3000 B.C.E.), and Anatolia (c. 2000B.C.E.)
  18. How did Egypt benefit from its geographic location?
    Egypt's Nile River flooded annually, depositing a rich layer of topsoil ideal for growing, and herwide swaths of desert to the east and west protected her against outside invasion
  19. The Hyksos invasion of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period changed Egypt'srelationship with the rest of the ancient world by
    convincing New Kingdom pharaohs that their future safety depended on learning about theirneighbors through official diplomatic ties.
  20. Queen Hatshepsut's reign as Egypt's “female king” suggests that in the New Kingdom women
    could step into mens jobs, including that of the pharoahs, when circumstances permitted
  21. Following the collapse of the Hittite kingdom in Anatolia and the Levant (1000 B.C.E), whichnew regional power arose to fill the power vacuum?
  22. What enabled the Persian Empire (c. 557–500 B.C.E.), one of the largest in ancient Near Easthistory, to extend from the Indus Valley in the east across Anatolia to the coast of Greece?
    An imperial rule that, although it meted out harsh punishment for opposition, allowedconquered peoples an impressive degree of freedom in local customs and religions whileimbuing regional governors with an equally generous degree of decisionmakingauthority
  23. Who was the Persian ruler said to have organized his vast empire into provinces, eachresponsible for paying taxes in the medium best suited to its natural endowments?
    Darius I
  24. How did early Persian rulers sometimes secure support from newly conquered peoples?
    They allowed local people to keep their own beliefs and customs
  25. Zarathustra made a significant contribution to Western thought when he proposed that
    individuals determined their own eternal fate through the moral choices they made while onearth.
  26. The major contribution of the Hebrews to Western civilization was
  27. The early religious beliefs of the Hebrews
    did not deny the existence of other gods.
  28. The Hebrews came to believe that the hardships they endured were Yahweh's punishment
    failing to treat both poor and rich ethically and failing to keep their covenant with Yahweh
  29. Historians insist the concept of individual excellence led the Greeks to
    compete fiercely with one another in all fields of endeavor, from the arts to politics, athletics,science, and war, for the public honor that achieving excellence bestowed
  30. The divine justice that helped establish the Greek polis and that is illustrated in Hesiod's poetry
    is derived from creation myths of the Near East.
  31. As ancient Greece gradually began to recover from two centuries of economic devastation andpopulation decimation, the Greeks established
    a political system known as the polis, or independent citystate
  32. How did the Greeks significantly improve the quality of their farm implements and weaponryfollowing their Dark Age?
    They learned the skill of iron metallurgy from their eastern trading partners, and went on tomine their own iron ore deposits
  33. When the Greeks began writing again, c. 800 B.C.E., they adopted and adapted a script theyreceived from the
  34. Why was the Greek concept of citizenship so unprecedented and unique?
    It assumed a level of political and legal equality among free, male citizens irrespective of wealthand status, a concept heretofore unknown in the ancient world.
  35. Which of the following terms refers to “rule by a small group who keep power in their ownhands”?
  36. Slaves who attained their freedom
    joined the sizable group of noncitizens of the citystate
  37. Homosexual relationships between men in Sparta
    usually took place between an older man and an adolescent boy as a form of social andpolitical education
  38. Who was the lyric poet who wrote about intense emotions, especially love?
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Western Civ Test 1
western civ quiz