Session 1: Intro to Manufacturing

  1. What is the Role of Manufacturing?
    Wealth creation and Value to the Customer.
  2. How is value defined?
    The worth of an item, good, or service. And what the customer is willing to pay for.
  3. What 4 areas does the United Nations Global Compact align business operations with principles?
    • 1 human rights
    • 2 labor practices
    • 3 environment
    • anti-corruption
  4. What are the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact?
    • human rights
    • non-compllicity in human rights abuses
    • freedom of association and unions
    • eliminate slavery
    • abolish child labor
    • eliminate discrimination
    • environmental challenges
    • greater environmental responsibility
    • environmentally friendly technologies
    • work against corruption
  5. What are the 4 parts of the Manufacturing Business Model?
    • 1 defining products and customers
    • 2 designing products and processes
    • 3 managing material flow
    • 4 providing customer service and support
  6. The definition of products and customers will have a major influence on which 2 production decisions?
    • 1 choice of manufacturing environment
    • 2 choice of manufacturing process
  7. The product and supporting processes should be designed to do what 5 things?
    • 1 meet customer needs and provide value
    • 2 be cost effective
    • 3 provide quality
    • 4 be build of provided efficiently
    • 5 accommodate planning parameters
  8. What 3 parts make up Managing Material Flow?
    • 1 material acquisition
    • 2 manufacturing
    • 3 distribution
  9. What 2 parts make up Manufacturing operations?
    • 1 scheduling
    • 2 production
  10. What is logistics?
    Products returned from customers to suppliers from the purpose of repair, recycling, or remanufacturing.
  11. What 3 parts are necessary in Providing Customer Service and Support?
    • 1 understanding customer desires 
    • 2 two-way communication (Hp vs IBM IM pop-up)
    • 3 working with customers to solve problems
  12. What is CRM?
    customer relationship management.
  13. What 3 parts comprise the business environment?
    • Global competition
    • Economic, government, and regulatory influences
    • Customer expectations
    • Corporate social responsibility
  14. What is another name for Business Environment?
    Operating environment.
  15. What are 5 characteristics that provide value to the customer?
    • Cost (price)
    • Quality
    • Speed (order lead time)
    • Dependability
    • Flexibility (product and volume)
  16. What are the 5 Manufacturing Environments?
    • Engineer-to-order (ETO)
    • Make-to-order (MTO)
    • Assemble-to-order (ATO)
    • Make-to-stock (MTS)
    • Mass customization
  17. What are other names for Manufacturing Environments?
    Production environment and manufacturing strategy.
  18. What are the 4 determinants of manufacturing environments?
    • Lead time expectations (ETO)
    • Product design input from customers
    • Product volume and variety (MTS)
    • Product life cycle
  19. What manufacturing environment has BOTH high volume and high variety?
    Mass customization.
  20. What are the 5 stages of a product life cycle? And what are their manufacturing environments?
    • ETO * Introduction
    • MTO * Growth
    • MTS * Maturity
    • MTO * Decline
    • NONE * Phase-out
  21. What are the 3 choices of processes and layouts?
    • Intermittent
    • Flow
    •      - repetitive/line
    •      - continuous
    • Project
  22. What is intermittent manufacturing?
    A setup that only makes things once or infrequently, like a "job shop", or "machine shop".
  23. Name 7 intermittent manufacturing characteristics.
    • Intermittent lot or batch production
    • Work moves only to required stations
    • Many different parts processed at workstations
    • General-purpose machinery
    • Relatively easy to change product or volume
    • Complex and expensive production and inventory control
    • High WIP inventory levels; long lead time
  24. What are 3 characteristics of an intermittent manufacturing layout?
    • Equipment and operations are grouped together by functional specialty
    • There are similar types of skills and equipment in each department
    • Volume is not high enough to justify assembly line
  25. What are 3 other names for an intermittent manufacturing layout?
    • Process layout
    • Functional layout
    • Job shop layout
  26. What defines flow manufacturing?
    • Workstations are in the sequence needed to make the product
    • Work flows at a nearly constant rate
    • There is little WIP inventory
  27. What are 8 flow manufacturing characteristics?
    • Layout is called product layout
    • There are fixed routings and dedicated machinery
    • The process is capital intensive
    • There are two types of flow: repetitive (line) and continuous
    • Repetitive produces discrete unites, such as cell phones and automobiles
    • Continuous produces non-discrete products, such as liquids
    • There is a limited range of similar products
    • High product volumes occur
  28. What are 3 advantages of product layout?
    • Little WIP inventory
    • Short througput and manufacturing lead times
    • Lower unit cost
  29. What are two types of flow?
    Repetitive (or line) and continuous.
  30. What is continuous flow:
    A process that involves transforming raw materials into products such as gasoline, flour, sugar, and steel by the use of mixing, chemicals, heating, cooling, or pressure.
  31. What are 4 things that define project manufacturing?
    • Used for large, complex projects
    • Project remains in one location for assembly
    • Product made at one site
    • Avoids cost of moving the product
  32. In order, what are the 6 basic elements of the external supply chain?
    • suppliers
    • producers or manufacturers
    • distributors
    • retailers
    • consumers
    • flow of information, cash, and goods and services
  33. In order, what are the 3 silos of the Traditional Internal Supply Chain View?
    • Purchasing
    • Production
    • Distribution
  34. In order, what are the five components of a Cross-Functional Supply Chain View?
    • Develop products and services
    • Manage procurement
    • Produce products
    • Manage distribution
    • Perform marketing and sales
  35. What is important about Internal Views of the Supply Chain?
    How well the processes operate depends on how well the interests and performance measures of each of the functional players are balanced in the interests of the organization at large.
  36. What is important about Internal Views of the Supply Chain?
    How well the processes operate depends on how well the interests and performance measures of each of the functional players are balanced in the interests of the organization at large.
  37. What is the best overall view of a business supply chain?
    A cross-functional view.
  38. What is a cross-functional view also called?
    The value chain.
  39. What are support services?
    Processes that technically are not primary value-adding processes, but nonetheless are very important.
  40. What are some ways for resolving conflicts between silos?
    • Sales and operations planning
    • Clear responsibility for the materials management function
    • Productivity systems such as lean, quality systems, and theory of constraints
  41. What does KPI stand for?
    Key performance indicators.
  42. What are the three areas under Key performance indicators (KPI)?
    • Strategic
    • Tactival
    • Operational
  43. What 4 metrics are used in a balanced scorecard?
    • Customer perspective
    • Business process perspective
    • Financial perspective
    • Innovation and learning perspective
  44. What do Strategic performance measures do?
    They measure the long-term goals of a business.
  45. What are some examples?
    • profitability
    • market share
    • growth
    • productivity
  46. What do Tactical performance measures do?
    They measure intermediate-term goals and objectives to support the organization's strategic plan.
  47. What are some examples?
    • adherence to production plans and budgets
    • percentage of on-time delivery
    • inventory turns
  48. What do Operational performance measures do?
    They measure daily work routines.
  49. What are some examples?
    • work-center cycle times
    • utilization
    • efficiency
  50. What is a balanced scorecards?
    An organizational tool for assessing performance against KPIs for a certain time period.
  51. What 2 major areas define the involvement of Materials Management?
    • Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC)
    • Physical Supply and Distribution.
  52. What is materials management responsible for?
    Managing the purchasing and control of production materials, controlling WIP, and controlling the storage, shipping, and distribution of the finished product.
  53. What are examples of job titles for materials management?
    Chain manager and logistics manager.
  54. What are 4 questions of a good planning and control system?
    • What are we going to make?
    • What does it take to make it?
    • What do we already have?
    • What must we get and when?
  55. What are the four objectives of manufacturing?
    • of the right quality
    • in the right quantities
    • at the right time
    • at the right price
  56. When you hear "MPS", you should think of what?
    The MPC Hierarchy Chart.
  57. MPC is the system used by manufacturing to do what?
    • Recognize demand
    • Plan the resources required
    • Execute and control production
  58. What is the purpose of MRP?
    MRP establishes the priority plan for the due dates and order quantities for the components of end items.
  59. MRP software applications for the development and management of the priority plan primarily serve what?
    The needs of the production and purchasing departments.
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Session 1: Intro to Manufacturing