PSCY 311 Ch. One

  1. Adolescence
    • transition b/w childood and adultood
    • ages (10-13) - (18-22)
  2. Cognaitive
  3. social
    anything to do with experince
  4. be came and actuall term in
  5. Plato
    adol. should be taught in class room and more formal  kids taught threw social interactions
  6. aristotle
    • adol. can determine 4 oneself
    • congnative
  7. middle ages =
    mini adults
  8. rouseau
    • disagrees with middle ages and belived in 5 stages
    • empathy (know words can hurt ppl
    • birth-5 like animal (instincts)
    • 5-12 savage(sensoryu and play are important
    • 12-15 reason
    • 15-20 intersest in other
  9. early america =
    social historical
  10. early America on adol.
    • apprentisships
    • 1880 industrial revolution
    • trans from rual to urban(went to work got paid did not wait on crops)
    • ppl sent kids to school longer to get better jobs
  11. two types of social
    • social cultrual = belifs trend that happen over time
    • social historical =  point in time that changed their life
  12. interventionist view
    kids had to go to school by law school attendance went up and employment went down followed my child labor laws
  13. young ppl graduation high school increased by
  14. G Stanly Hall
    • expert of his time
    • father of scientific method of adol.
    • strom & stress view -->
    • -Biolgial
  15. storm & stress
    all of sudden at adol.= storm and it will stress you out out caused by puberty and physically be = to adults but not cong. their mood changes all the time with my decision during times of extreme moments hormones
  16. dicontenuty veiw
    • stanley
    • now kid now youth now adol
    • primary bio.
  17. Margaret mead
    • disgreed w/ hall
    • kids stress by enviroment not puberty
    • SOCIOL Culrtual
    • go to sumoa to see kids there are stressed and studied culture when done kids there not stressed bc they followed adults around their whole life and slowly learned to be adults
    • did not belive stages of development
  18. Margaret Mead biased
    • never did any real "scientific" research
    • their kids had stress too
  19. 1920s
    • roaring twenties
    • peer pressure mom minics daughter bc young ppl set the trends
  20. 1930s
    • depression
    • conformity - passive
  21. 1950s
    silent generation
  22. 1960s
    plitocal, protest, drug abuse , sexual permissiveness and higher edu.
  23. 1970s-1980s
    • achievement oriented
    • motavited to go to college
  24. stereotypes
    broad catagory that reflects our impressions and beliefs about ppl
  25. joesph adelson
    adol. "generation gap"
    name for widespread gerneralizationabou adol.

    • based on limited info (media)
    • not same as  stereotype 

    his is just about teens
  26. todays adol.
    • 80% good
    • 20% bad
    • 5%useless cause
  27. context
    • the setting in which on developsocurs
  28. culture
    • bhavior patterns- belifsamoung a particcular group ofppl passed from generation to generaion
    • influences the identy
  29. ethinic group
    nationality (black,hispanic ect)

    race religion and language are veryprominated among ethnic gangs
  30. Gender
    socialoculturaldefintion of male and female roles

    sex roles refer to bilogical factors
  31. devlopment
    a pattern of change that beginsat cconceeption and continues through the life cyclee
  32. stages of development
    • 1 pareental
    • 2infancy
    • 3early childhood
    • 4middle & late childhood
    • 5 eaarly adol.
    • 6 late adol.
    • 7emerging adult
    • 8adulthood
  33. prental
    • conception - birth
    • in the womb
  34. infancy
    • birth - 2 years old
    • play like a puppy
  35. early childhood
    2 y/o - 6 y/o

    achivement oriented
  36. middle to late childhood
    • 6 -11y/o
    • masster baic skills
    • self controll increases
  37. early adolescence ***
    • 11-14 y/o
    • middle school and most puberty changes
    • BIO.
    • pre-occupided with body
  38. late adol ****
    • >15 y/o
    • dating and identy exploration
    • SOCiAL 

    self discovery
  39. Adol. Fomal deff
    the developlment  of  transiton bw childhood and adulthood that involes  biological, congniive, and social change
  40. emerging adulthood
    • transition bw adol - adult
    • time of flux
  41. adult
    ecconmic nd social independent
  42. maturation
    • the orderly sequence of change dicctated b the gentic blue print we have
    • (how we change and grow)
  43. Nature
    the organisms bio. inheitance
  44. nurture
    • the org. enviomental exmences
    • SOCIAL
  45. Continuity
    • desccribes devvelopments gradual
    • ex oak treee
  46. dicontinuity
    • deveopmentt as distinc changes
    • ex. catapliller to buterfly
  47. early
    • expericesee the ind. life
    • imprinting
  48. late
    people can change
  49. theory
    • general belif org. to help explain and predict behavior
    • steps=
    • concept the problem to be studied
    • collect info
    • statistics
    • draw conclusion
  50. defencse mechanism
    ways of dealing with stress
  51. repression
    • the most comon
    • push unacceptabel  impulsivee back to the unconcous level aka push out of memory
  52. sublimation
    replacce a social unaccceptable w/ a socl accepatable behavior
  53. regresssion
    retreat back to a safer time
  54. discplacement
    confronted by authority who do not feel safe with
  55. reinforcer
    a consqunce that increasing the likely hood of behavior to occuer again
  56. punisher
    decreases the chances  of behavior occuring again
  57. oobservation
    • discriptive research
    • simplist form of rearch
    • can be controlled or unotrusive
    • must be systematic
  58. interview
    unstructer-open ended

    • structured-one on one response
    • advatges you input data
    • disatanage-soial desirablity
  59. survey
    • advantage saves time
    • dis. inaccurae
  60. standerized test
    • allws compersonof indivdauls score to others
    • sd=standder deveation
    • provied info about ind. diff.
    • not always accuret prediction
  61. experince sampling
    pagers beed at random times then ppl answer where,  what who and how
  62. physioological measure
    ankykid of heart, blood, ect measurement
  63. case study
    • in ddepthlook at an ind. diffficult to generate
    • deals  with only 1 person
  64. descriptive research
    • inolves obersvatin +recording=behavvior
    • not inteeded to determine cause
  65. correlaattion research
    • determine the degree of relationship bw 2 variablles
    • .75 strong. .5 modirate .25weak
  66. experiment
    • cone deterime  coause and effect
    • random assignment
    • exprment group vs controll gropu
    • indempentent variable vs dependent
    • BEST WAY
  67. coss sectional research
    study diff. ages at  same time 

    does not compare same person ovver  time

    but do not have to wait
  68. longittuinall research
    • stud the same ind. over time 
    • collectt tons of info  over time 
    • but cost  $and  is  time  comnssuming  pricipnts tend  to  drop out
  69. bandura & mischel
    • vicarious learning
    • recciprocal enviormeent affectsbehavior  buybehaior  afffeccts enviroment
  70. micro
    • direct relatitship
    • familyy peers, teachers
  71. meso
    • relationship with micro  systems 
    • parent with teacher
  72. exos
    seetting that  adol has no direect ccontacttwith but  it  afffects him
  73. macro
  74. chrono
    • socio historiccal
    • evnt  that  impacts adol life
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PSCY 311 Ch. One
chapter one