Civics Unit 1 Test

  1. What are beliefs?
    Beliefs are ideas we trust are true.
  2. What is Pluralism?
    Pluralism is the Salad Bowl Theory.  When immigrants do not lose the unique aspects of their futures instead they retain them. 

    Immigrants are referred to as "something Americans."
  3. Who is Susan B. Anthony?
    Susan B. Anthony demanded women's sufferage.
  4. What are Duties?
    • Duties are required by law.
    • ex: jury duty
  5. What is Discrimination?
    Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a group of people based on sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
  6. What does Family do?
    Family teaches children rules and values.
  7. What does Economy do?
    Economy provides careers, money, and teaches responsibility.
  8. Who is Cesar Chavez?
    Cesar Chavez challenged laws he thought was unfair.

    • Traveled Arizona-Cali to farm w/family
    • Growers refused-union went on strike
  9. What is Justice?
    Justice is fairness; the idea that every person deserves to be treated fairly.
  10. What is Civil Disobedience?
    Civil disobedience is when you can break or change laws that you think are unfair or against your personal morals.
  11. What is Theocracy?
    • Therocracy is a form of government where the ruler claim to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideas, or as direct agents of a deity.
    •      ex: Iran
  12. What are ways to become a citizen?
    • 1)If you were born here
    • 2)If your parents live here & you're under 18
    • 3)If your parent becomes naturalized and you're under 18
  13. What are Values?
    Values are important standards of behavior, or guidelines for how people should treat each other.
  14. What is the Melting Pot Theory?
    The Melting Pot Theory is when people from various cultures come to Amercia & contribute aspects of their culture to create new, unique American culture.
  15. Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
    • Eleanor Roosevelt is the 1st delagate to  
    •         represent the US to the UN
    • Encouraged soldiers
    • Helped write the universal declaration
    •         of human rights
  16. What are rights?
    freedoms protected by government (economic-civil-political) 
  17. What are duties?
    • required by law
    • (ex. jury duty)
  18. What are responsibilities?
    • voluntary actions of citizens
    • (ex. military, voting)
  19. What are the different ways that a person can be considered an American citizen?
    • 1.  born in America
    • 2.  if your parents live here 
    • (at least one, under the age of 18-The under 18 parent becomes naturalized you become a citizen.
  20. What are the 4 different qualifications needed to become a naturalized American citizen?
    • 1.  live in the United States 5 years
    • 2.  speak English
    • 3.  Good moral character
    • 4.  knowledge of American history
  21. What is suffrage?
    • covered few people
    • * = right to vote
  22. What is the 15th Ammendment?
    gives blacks the right to vote
  23. What is the 19th Ammendment?
    • 1.  rights of citizens to vote not based on
    •      sex
    • 2.  gives women right to vote
  24. What is the 26th Ammendment?
    • 1. lowered voting age to 18
    • 2. response to Viatnam War
  25. What is racism?
    the belief that one's own race is superior to those of other races
  26. What does religion provide?
    teaches morality (what is right or wrong)a source of support and guidance, belonging and moral standards; people with similar goals and ways of looking at life
  27. What is equality?
    the condition of everyone having the same rights and opportunities
  28. What is a dictator?
    one person that takes power or force, rather than inheriting  it
  29. What are rules?
    specific expectations about what our behavior should be
  30. What is socialization?  What are 5 social institutions?
    • the process of learning how to participate in a group; learning how to accept values in a group and learning the rules for behavior within it
    •     Institutions:
    • 2.religions
    • 4.economy
    • 5.government
  31. What is freedom?
    the ability to say what you want, go where you want, and do what you want
  32. What is a republic?
    a government in which its citizens elect representatives to make laws
  33. What is Parliamentary?
    • (Isreal)
    • Government led by representatives of the people.  Each is chosen as a member of a political party and remains in power as long as his/her party does
  34. What is a government?
    provides laws, order and protection
  35. What is education?
    teaches skills, and social development
  36. What are 3 problems with diversity?
    • 1.discrimination
    • 2.racism
    • 3.stereotypes
  37. What are 3 fundamental American values?
    • 1. equality (same rights for everyone)
    • 2. freedom (liberties)
    • 3. justice (fairness)
  38. What does diversity mean?
    Different (melting pot theory many people's cultures contributing to make unique American culture)
  39. What is an Anarchy?
    • (Somalia)
    • a situation where there is no government, usually the result of civil war.
  40. What is a Totalitarian?
    • (China)
    • ruled by a single political party where
    • people are forced to do what the government says
  41. What is a republic?
    • (US)
    • led by representatives of of the voters/each is individually chosen for a period of time
  42. What is a democracy?
    government in which power is shared by the people
  43. What is a liberal?
    one who favors reform or progress; not strict; tolerant; broad-minded
  44. What is a conservative?
    one more opposed to change; cautious; one tending to conserve
  45. What is Fascism?
    a system of government marked by a centralization of authority under a dictator
  46. What is a dictatorship?
    • (North Korea)
    • Ruled by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control/used to prevent them from leaving the country
  47. What is a stereotype?
    • used to catagorize a group of people:
    • racial remarks, sexual remarks, Blonde jokes, etc.
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Civics Unit 1 Test
Civics Unit 1 Test Review