Nutrition 1020

  1. Food Composition
    • Food composition tables & databases provide the chemical composition of foods.

    • We will use the USDA nutrient databank for food composition values.
  2. Food Composition Tables
    • The chemical nutrient values are provided given a certain serving size of specific foods.

    • • Chemical values in the USDA nutrient databank include:
    • – Calories
    • – Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat (total fat & type of fatty acid)
    • – Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
    • – Water soluble vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitaminB6, vitamin B12, vitamin C)
    • – Major minerals (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium,magnesium, phosphorus)
    • – Trace minerals (iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, etc)

    • Chemical values are also given in some cases the types of amino acids and for phytochemicals (plant chemicals that are not essential nutrients but have many beneficial physiological effects in the human body when consumed from a variety of plant foods).
  3. The Exchange List System

    The Exchange List system is an excellent tool for:
    • • Meal planning
    • • Calorie control
    • • Meeting the AMDRs & DRIs
  4. The Exchange List System was created for
    diabetic diet planning.

    • Dietary carbohydrates levels can be planned to be compatible with insulin prescription.

    • Diet prescription meets standard dietary goals for health.
  5. The Exchange List System portion sizes are based on:
    • • Grams of protein
    • • Grams of carbohydrate
    • • Grams of fat
    • • Total number of Calories(not nutrient content)
  6. The Exchange Lists
    1. Starch (grains, cereals, pasta, breads, crackers, some snacks, starchy vegetables, dried beans, peas, and lentils)

    • 2. Fruit
    • 3. Nonstarchy vegetables
    • 4. Milk
    • 5. Meat and meat substitutes
    • 6. Fat
    • 7. Other carbohydrates
    • 8. Free foods
    • 9. Combination foods
Card Set
Nutrition 1020
Food Composition Information and The Exchange Lists 2.5