Rue Sociology

  1. Albion Small
    Head of first sociology department in US at University of Chicago
  2. Alienation
    A situation in which people are estranged from their social world and feel that life is meaningless
  3. Anomie
    A social condition in which social norms are conflicting or entirely absent
  4. Auguste Comte
    French philosopher regarded by many as the founder of sociology
  5. Bourgeoisie
    Marxist term for the people who own factories, production plants and businesses
  6. C. Wright Mills
    Developed the concept of sociological imagination
  7. Chicago School of Sociology
    First sociology department in US; dedicated to the study of urban life and training students in research
  8. Dysfunctions
    Actions that have negative consequences for society
  9. Functions
    Actions that have positive consequences for society
  10. Emile Durkheim
    French sociologist and educator whose ideas on social solidarity are the foundation for functionalism
  11. Harriet Martineau
    British sociologist who translated and edited Comte's work
  12. Herbert Spencer
    British social theorist whose views on the evolution of societies were labled social Darwinism
  13. Hull House
    Founded in 1889 to serve the needs of people living in disorganized neighborhooods in Chicago
  14. Jane Addams
    American sociologist who co-founded Hull House; won 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for outstanding achievements in public service
  15. Karl Marx
    German Philosopher who proposed that conflict between social classes causes social change
  16. Latent Functions
    Functions that are unintended or unrecognized by others
  17. Lester F. Ward
    American paleontologist who divided sociology into pure and applied subdivisions
  18. Manifest Functions
    Functions that are intended or recognized by others
  19. Max Weber
    German political and social theorist who argued that under capitalism society was becoming bureaucratic, impersonal, and excessively rational
  20. Means of Production
    Marxist term for factories, production plants and businesses
  21. Mechanical Solidarity
    Social solidarity based on shared values
  22. Organic Solidarity
    Social solidarity based on a functional interdependence among people
  23. Perspectives
    Our mental pictures of the relative importance of things
  24. Proletariat
    Marxist term for the workers who sell their labor to the bourgeoisie
  25. Rationalization
    The replacement of traditional thinking with rational thinking, or thinking that heavily emphasizes deliberate calculation, efficiency, and effectiveness in the accomplishment of explicit goals
  26. Robert Ezra Park
    Journalist-sociologist who viewed Chicago as a sociological laboratory and the everday activities of its citizens as worthy of study
  27. Scientific Method
    An objective and judicious approach to empirical evidence. Scientists are objective because they do not allow their personal opinions to enter into their scientific work; and they are judicious becuase they require a substantial, if not overwhelming, body of objective evidence before arriving at a conclusion
  28. Social Darwinism
    Another name for social evolution theory; usually refers to the ideas of Herbert Spencer
  29. Social Evolution Theories
    Theories of social change that assert that societies evolve from the simple to the complex
  30. Social Integration
    The degree to which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds
  31. Social Power
    The ability to get others to conform to one's wishes even against their own desires
  32. Social Structure
    The relatively pernament components of our social enviornment
  33. Sociological Imagination
    The intellectual ability to discern the relationship between individual experience and social forces in the larger society
  34. Sociology
    The scientific study of social structure and social interaction and of the factors making for change in social structure and social interaction
  35. Symbol
    A representation that stands for something else
  36. Theory
    A body of plausible assertions that scientifically explain a phenomenon
  37. W.E.B. Dubois
    Considered father of African American sociology
  38. William Graham Sumner
    American sociologist who viewed life as a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive
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Rue Sociology
Sociology Flash Cards Chapter 1