Art History 11: Paintings

  1. Name of Artist: Cimabue

    Name of Work: The Madonna Enthroned (Virgin and Child Enthroned)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  2. Name of Artist: Giotto di Bondone

    Name of Work: The Madonna Enthroned (Virgin and Child Enthroned)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  3. Name of Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna

    Name of Work: Madonna Enthroned (Virgin and Child Enthroned)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  4. Name of Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna

    Name of Work: The Maestà Altarpiece

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  5. Name of Artist: Giotto di Bondone

    Name of Work: The Arena Chapel (Scrovegni Chapel)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  6. Name of Artist: Giotto di Bondone

    Name of Work: Last Judgment

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  7. Name of Artist: Giotto di Bondone

    Name of Work: Christ in Heaven and the Mouth of Hell (Last Judgment)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  8. Name of Artist: Giotto di Bondone

    Name of Work: The Lamentation (Pieta)

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  9. Name of Artist: Mary of Burgundy Painter

    Name of Work: Mary At Her Devotions, Hours of Mary of Burgundy

    Region: N/A

    Era: N/A
  10. Name of Artist: Robert Campin (Master of Flemalle)

    Name of Work: The Mérode Altarpiece

    Region: Flanders

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  11. Name of Artist: Jean Pucelle

    Name of Work: Book of Hours (The Kiss of Judas/The Annunciation)

    Region: France

    Era: Gothic
  12. Name of Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna

    Name of Work: Annunciation of the death of the virgin

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  13. Name of Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna

    Name of Work: Annunciation to the Virgin

    Region: Italy

    Era: Gothic
  14. Name of Artist: The Limbourg Brothers

    Name of Work: January Page from Très Riches Heures

    Region: Northern Netherlands

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  15. Name of Artist: The Limbourg Brothers

    Name of Work: Duke of Berry

    Region: Northern Netherlands

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  16. Name of Artist: The Limbourg Brothers

    Name of Work: February Page from the Très Riches Heures

    Region: Northern Netherlands

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  17. Name of Artist: Anon. French

    Name of Work: Anon. French, Page with Thamyris, from Boccaccio's Concerning Famous Women

    Region: France

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  18. Name of Artist: The Limbourg Brothers

    Name of Work: September Page from the Très Riches Heures

    Region: Northern Netherlands

    Era: Early Renaissance in the North
  19. Name of Artist: Vermeer

    Name of Work: A Woman Holding a Balance

    Region: N/A

    Era: N/A
    • Name of Artist: Hubert and Jan Van Eyck
    • Name of Work: The Ghent Altarpiece
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Hubert and Jan Van Eyck
    • Name of Work: The Ghent Altarpiece (Annunciation)
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Jan Van Eyck
    • Name of Work: Arnolfini Wedding Portrait
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Rogier van der Weyden
    • Name of Work: The Desposition
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Rogier van der Weyden
    • Name of Work: San Marino Madonna (Madonna and Child)
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Petrus Christus
    • Name of Work: A Goldsmith in his shop
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Hugo van der Goes
    • Name of Work: The Portinari Altarpiece
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Hugo van der Goes
    • Name of Work: The Portinari Altarpiece
    • Region: Flanders
    • Era: Early Renaissance in the North
    • Name of Artist: Masaccio
    • Name of Work: Masaccio with Donatello and Brunelleschi
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Masaccio
    • Name of Work: The Holy Trinity
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Masaccio
    • Name of Work: The Brancacci Chapel
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Massacio
    • Name of Work: The Tribute Money
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Nanni di Banco
    • Name of Work: Four Crowned Martyr Saints
    • Region: N/A
    • Era: N/A
    • Name of Artist: Fra Angelico
    • Name of Work: Annunciaton
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Paolo Uccello
    • Name of Work: Battle of San Romano
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Andrea del Castagno
    • Name of Work: The Last Supper
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Giotto
    • Name of Work: Last Supper (Arena Chapel)
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Gothic
    • Name of Artist: Duccio
    • Name of Work: The Last Supper
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Gothic
    • Name of Artist: Piero della Francesca
    • Name of Work: Battista Sforza and Federico da Montefeltro
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Piero della Francesca
    • Name of Work: Triumph of Federico and Battista
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Sandro Botticelli
    • Name of Work: Botticelli at the Medici Court in Florence with self-image
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Sandro Botticelli
    • Name of Work: The Birth of Venus
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Mantegna
    • Name of Work: Camera Picta
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Giovanni Bellini
    • Name of Work: St. Francis in Ecstasy
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Donatello
    • Name of Work: David
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
    • Name of Artist: Donatello
    • Name of Work: Judith and Holofernes
    • Region: Italy
    • Era: Early Renaissance in Italy
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Art History 11: Paintings
Art History 11: Paintings