Ch 40 BIO

  1. What are the top part and the bottom part of epithelia called?
    Apical surface and basal surface
  2. What are the three types of connective tissue fibers?
    Collagenous fibers, elastic fibers, reticular fibers.
  3. Variation in animal body temp
    • Poikilotherm: body temp varies with varying external environment 
    • Homeotherm: body temp relatively constant
  4. Five general adaptations
    help animals thermoregulate

    2.Circulatory adaptations

    3.Cooling by evaporative heat loss

    4.Behavioral responses

    5.Adjusting metabolic heat production
  5. Types of connective tissue
    • 1. Connective tissue proper
    •     -loose and dense
    • 2. Special connective tissue
  6. Loose connective tissue
    Most widespread connective tissue in body. Binds epithelia to underlying tissues and holds organs in place. Consists of a loose weave of fibers.
  7. Fibrous (dense) connective tissue
    Dense with collagenous fibers that run in the same direction and are parallel to one another.
  8. Special Connective Tissue
    Blood, bone, cartilage
  9. Cartilage
    Consists of chondrin (extracellular gelatinous matrix) which may contain collagen. Interspersed with chondrocytes (which make the chondrin).
  10. Bone
    Collagen fibers of bone are surrounded by calcium salts. Haversion canal-> consists of blood vessels which supply osteocytes. Image Upload 2
  11. Cardiac muscle junctions are called what?
    Intercalated disks.
  12. Circadian rhythm
    An animal's daily biological rhythm that changes certain homeostatic set points
  13. Basal metabolic rate vs standard metabolic rate
    • Basal-> minimum metabolic rate for an endotherm
    • Standard->for ectotherm
  14. Torpor 
    A physiological state of decreased activity and metabolism.
Card Set
Ch 40 BIO
Ch 40 bio