Acu Prescriptions

  1. Mother-Son points:

    LU def
    • a) affected meridian --> LU 9
    • b) mother/son meridian of affected meridian --> SP 3
    • c) exterior/interior of affected meridian --> LI 11
  2. What is the order of elements for the yin meridians?
    Wood --> Fire --> Earth --> Metal --> Water
  3. What is the order of elements for the yang meridians?
    Metal --> Water --> Wood --> Fire --> Earth
  4. What do you do (4) for deficiency syndrome in four needle technique?
    • 1. Tonify "mother" pt of dx meridian
    • 2. Tonify "mother" pt of the "mother" meridian
    • 3. Sedate "Gma" pt of dx meridian
    • 4. Sedate "Gma" pt on "Gma" meridian
  5. What do you do (4) for excess syndrome in four needle technique?
    • 1. Sedate "son" pt of dx meridian
    • 2. Sedate "son" pt on "son" meridian
    • 3. Tonify "Gma" pt on dx meridian
    • 4. Tonify "Gma" pt on "Gma" meridian
  6. What are the 2 functions of the xi-cleft pts?
    • 1. Tx acute dx & pain in respective Zang-Fu organs
    • 2. yin channels: tx disorders of blood
Card Set
Acu Prescriptions
Acu Perscriptions 1 MT 1