
  1. Nitroglycerin
    • 1 tablet (0.4mg) SL (May be repeated every 3 to 5 min up to 1.2mg
    • 1/2 an inch topical ointment
    • 1 spray (0.4mg) up to 1.2mg/ 25 mins
  2. Fentanyl
    25 to 100mcg slow IV (2 to 3 min)
  3. Diazepam
    • Siezures: 5 to 10mg IV
    • Anxiety: 2.5 to 5mg IV/IM
    • Premed: 5 to 15mg IV
  4. Flumazenil
    0.2mg over 30sec/min up 1mg
  5. Dextrose 50% in Water
    25g in 50mL IV
  6. Isoproterenol
    2 to 10mcg/min titrated to cardiac rate
  7. Aspirin
    160 to 325mg PO
  8. Albuterol
    2.5mg in 2.5 to 3mL normal saline via nebulizer
  9. Morphine
    • Pain: 2.5 to 15mg IV
    • Pain: 5 to 20mg IM
    • AMI/ Pulmonary Edema: 1 to 2mg/ 6 to 10 min response
  10. Furosemide
    40 to 120mg slow IV
  11. Dobutamine
    2 to 20mcg/kg/min IV
  12. Etomidate
    0.1 to 0.3mg/kg IV over 15 to 30 sec
  13. Lidocaine
    • Cardiac Arrest: 1 to 1.5mg/kg IV every 3 to 5 min up to 3mg/kg; follow with 2 to 4mg/min IV drip
    • VTach/VFib: 1 to 1.5mg/kg IV; may be repeated at half dose every 5 to 10 min until conversion up to 3mg/kg; follow with 2 to 4mg/min IV drip
  14. Dopamine
    2 to 5mcg/kg/min up to 20mcg/kg/min titrated to effect
  15. Midazolam
    • 1 to 2.5mg slow IV
    • 0.07 to 0.08mg/kg IM (usually 5mg)
  16. Bretylium
    5mg/kg IV, then 10mg/kg IV every 15 to 30 min up to 30mg/kg
  17. Procainamide
    • 20 to 30mg/min IV drip
    • Stop Points:
    • 1: up to 17mg/kg to effect
    • 2: ectopy resolves
    • 3: QRS complex widens more than 50% from original
    • 4: Hypotension ensues
  18. Ipatropium
    • 500mcg in 2.5 to 3mL normal saline via nebulizer
    • 2 sprays metered-dose inhaler
  19. Vasopressin
    • Cardiac Arrest: 40 units IV
    • Esophageal Varices: 0.2 to 0.4mg/min IV drip
  20. Epinephrine
    • Cardiac Arrest: 1mg 1:10,000 IV/ 3 to 5 min (2 to 2.5mg ET 1:1,000)
    • Allergic Reaction: 0.3 to 0.5mg 1:1,000 SQ/ 5 to 15min as needed or 0.5 to 1mg 1:10,000 IV if SQ dose is ineffective or reaction is severe enough
  21. Naloxone
    0.4 to 2mg IV every 2 to 3 min up 10mg (2 to 2.5 the dose ET)
  22. Succinylcholine
    1 to 1.5mg/kg IV/IM
  23. Adenosine
    6mg rapid IV (over 1 to 2 sec) then flush with saline, if ineffective, 12mg may be repeated in 1 to 2 min
  24. Amiodarone
    150 to 300mg IV over 10 min, then 1mg/min over the next 6 hours.
  25. Atropine
    • Symptomatic Bradycardia: 0.5mg IV (1mg ET); repeat every 3 to 5 min up to 3mg
    • Asystole: 1mg IV (2mg ET) May repeat every 3 to 5min up to 3mg
    • Organophosphate poisoning: 2 to 5mg IV/IM/IO/10 to 15 min
  26. Diltiazem
    • 0.25mg/kg IV over 2 min, may repeat as needed with 0.35mg/kg
    • followed by a drip of 5 to 10 mg/hr not to exceed 15 mg/hr over 24 hours.
  27. Tridil
    0.2 to 1.5mcg/kg/min
  28. Verapamil
    2.5 to 5 mg IV bolus over 2 to 3 min, then 5 to 10 mg after 15 to 30 min to a max of 30 mg in 30 min
Card Set
Dosages for drugs that can be administered by a Paramedic