Dental final

  1. periodontium
    all tissues that surround the teeth
  2. apical
    towards top of roof
  3. coronal
    where other tooth meets the crown/towards occlusal
  4. marginal gingiva
    unattatched to tooth, creates sulcus attatched to gingiva
  5. gingiva
    soft tissue next to tooth
  6. gingiva sulcus
    gingiva sulcus depth
  7. periodontal ligament
    surrounds roots of teeth and serves as attatchment 
  8. alveolar bone
    surrounds root
  9. cementum
    calcified tissue covering tooth root
  10. enamel
    covers crown
  11. dentin
    comprises majority of tooth
  12. incisors
    • single root
    • biters and obtainers
    • are always 01
  13. which canine teeth are in 01-03
  14. 04-canine
    • canine tooth single
    • single root
    • for tearing/defence
    • gives strength and structure to jaw
  15. 05-08 canine
    • pre molars
    • more than one route
    • grinders
  16. 08-canine
    • carnassial
    • larger tooth
  17. 09-11 canine 
    • molars
    • multi routed
    • grinders
  18. explain how to use the quadrant dental record key
    jay split into 4 quadrants, numbers starting from top left as quadrant 1-2 then under 3-4 mirror image of numbers in quadrant explaining which teeth are where.
  19. what is the equation for using a anatomical chart to find out how many teeth are in the mouth?

    2(I 3/3 + C1/1 + M2/3) =total number of teeth
  20. what is the trident system?
    when a puppy has baby teeth and adult teeth you would add 5-6-7-8 onto the original dental record key to indicate extra teeth
  21. name 2 post dental diets
    • hills t/d
    • mcrc dental diet
  22. how many days before a dental prophy would antibiotics start if mouth is in bad condition?
    3-7 days
  23. what type of antibiotics would be given prior to a dental prophy?
    profolactic antibiotics
  24. what would you do to the endotracheal tube during a dental prophy?
    pack it to reduce amount of swallowed water that pools
  25. name and describe the 12 steps in a dental prophy
    • 1- GA patient
    • 2- exam with vet to determine and plan prophylaxis
    • 3-measure depth of gingival sulcus
    • 4-remove calculus or stains on exposed services of tooth
    • 5-remove calculus from gingival crevice
    • 6-polish tooth surfaces
    • 7-flush the gingival sulcus
    • 8-apply fluoride treatment
    • 9-possible x-ray per vets request
    • 10-post oral exam and charting with vet
    • 11-document in patients med records
    • 12-monitor during post GA recovery
  26. benefits to brushing
    • reduction of bad breath
    • reduction in frequency of professional dental cleaning
    • reduction in tartar and gingivitis
  27. how deep is a healthy gingival sulcus?
    • dog 1-3mm deep
    • cats 0.5-1mm deep
  28. periodontal disease
    periodontal disease is a destructive infection of the supportive structures of the teeth. it is a progressive usually non-regenerative and incurable disease, yet it can be manageable with proper technique and treatment.
  29. name the 5 stages of periodontal disease
    • initial lesion         Grade I
    • early lesion          Grade II
    • established lesion Grade III
    • Moderate lesion    Grade IV
    • Advanced Lesion   Grade V
  30. name the 5 types of teeth
    • incisors
    • canines
    • pre-molars
    • molars
    • deciduous teeth
  31. name 4 prophylaxis hand instruments
    • probe/explorer
    • sickle scaler
    • hoe
    • curet
  32. probe/explorer information
    double ended, probe end is long, thin, calibrated in mm to measure defects below gum line
  33. sickle scaler
    thin and triangular in cross section, tapers to point with two cutting edges, used at 85 degree angle between the cutting edge of the blade and tooth
  34. hoe
    short blade used with steady pull stroke of only a few mm resting on the tooth the entire stroke
  35. curet
    thin spoon shaped instrument that can be used subgingival. short and precise scaling strokes are used with 45-85 degrees. working angle between blade and tooth.
  36. explain ultrasonic scaling
    used a combo of flushing water and vibrations. reduces operating time and removes debris and additional calculus quickly above gum line. use at 45 degree angle in a elliptical pattern to avoid damaging enamel
  37. explain subgingival scaling
    most inportant aspect of dental prophy removes calculus and debris from gingival crevice where periodontal disease develops.
  38. explain polishing
    used to buff out surface irregularitys in the enamel and cementum caused by the scaling
  39. explain subgingival irrigation
    flushes calculus and debris and pumice from the gingival sulcus which is left behind
  40. explain fluoridation
    after drying patients teeth apply topical flouride gel or foam. wipe of flouride after waiting 1-4 mins. also serves as antibacterial agent and strengthens tooth.
  41. name 4 additional dental procedures
    • root canal
    • restorations (caps)
    • periodontal surgery
    • orthodontics
Card Set
Dental final
dental abbrs canine feline trident system estimate and definitions