Psychology Chp.11 (2)

  1. Preschool children who had secure attachments during infancy tend to display all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
    More self reliance
  2. Felica is pregnant and her blood pressure has become dangerously high. Her doctor wants to deliver her baby by Cesaren section, even though Felicia is only 27 weeks pregnant. If Felicia's baby is delivered at this point in her pregnancy, the baby will have
    Approximately a 25% chance of survival
  3. The challenge of learning to function in society and beyond the family marks Erikson's childhood stage of
    Industry versus inferiority
  4. The correct sequence of the stages of prental development are
    Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal
  5. The challenge of learning to function, take personal responsibility for feeding and dressing, marks Erikson's childhood stage of
    Autonomy versus shame and doubt
  6. Developmetal norms indicate
    The median age at which individuals display behaviors and abilities
  7. The longest stage of prenatal development is the
    Fetal stage
  8. According to Erikson, the first stage of development (birth to one year) is a period when the infant develops the basic characteristic of
    Trust versus mistrust
  9. The challenge of learning to function, take personal responsibility for feeding and dressing marks Erikson's childhood stage of
    Autonomy versus shame and doubt
  10. During the third stage of Erik Erikson's development theory the psychosocial crisis involves a struggle between
    Initiative and guilt
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Psychology Chp.11 (2)
4th 6th weeks