Latin Hints II

  1. How do you remember lex?
    Think of Lex as in Lex Luthor, who breaks the law.
  2. How do you remember Mensa?
    If you know spanish, you can easily transpose Mensa to Mesa (table)
  3. How do you remember Lingua?
    If you know french, you can use Lingua as in Langue (toung, the part of the body used to speak)
  4. How do you remember Virgo?
    Think of Virgo Maria.
  5. How do you remember Cancer?
    Think of it as an unwanted animal in your house (crab), and an unwanted sickness (cancer)
  6. How do you remember Pisces?
    Think of it as a fish jigsaw puzzle. (Many pieces form a fish)
  7. How do you remember Habito?
    Think of it as a habitation.
  8. How do you remember Lavo?
    Think of it as a Lavatory.
  9. How do you remember Pugna?
    If you know french, you can take it as Coup de Poing (Punch)
  10. How do you remember Vinum?
    Think of Vine.
  11. How do you remember Magnus?
    Think of a Mountain as a lot of gravity, like a magnet.
  12. How do you remember Aeternus?
    Say: Aeternal (eternal)
Card Set
Latin Hints II
Latin Hints 2