neuro lab functions

  1. Sulci (Sulcus)-
    A groove in the surface of the cerebrum running between neighboring gyri. The plural name is sulci.
  2. Gyri (Gyrus)-
    A bump or bulge lying between the sulci of the cerebrum. Plural is called gyri
  3. grey matter
    A generic term for a collection of neuronal cellbodies in the central nervous system. When a freshly dissected brain is cutopen, neurons appear gray
  4. White matter-
    A generic term for a collection of central nervous system axons. When a freshly dissected brain is cut open, axons appear white.
  5. Limbic System-
    A group of structures, including those on the limbic lobe and Papez circuit, that are anatomically interconnected and are probably involved in emotion, learning and memory.
  6. Amygdala-
    An almond-shaped nucleus in the anterior temporal lobe thought to be involved in emotion & certain types of learning and memory.
  7. Basal Ganglia-
    A collection of associated cell groups in thebasal forebrain, including the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, andsubthalamus
  8. Broca’s area-
    A region of the frontal lobe associated withBroca’s (motor) aphasia when damaged
  9. Caudate nucleus-
    A part of the basal ganglia in the basal forebrain, involved in motor control.
  10. Cerebral Cortex-
    A sheet of gray matter lying just under the pial surface of the cerebellum.
  11. Cingulate Gyrus-
    Part of the cerebral cortex that lies above the corpus callosum part of the limbic system.
  12. Corpus Callosum-
    The great cerebral commissure, consisting of axons connecting the cortex of the two cerebral hemispheres.
  13. Fornix-
    A bundle of axons that originates in the hippocampal formation, loops around the thalamus, and terminates in the diencephalon.
  14. Frontal Lobe-
    The region of the cerebrum lying anterior to the central sulcus under the frontal bone. The Broca is located in this area and is vital for the production of writing written and spoken language.
  15. Hippocampus-
    A region of the cerebral cortex lying adjacent and medial to the olfactory cortex. In humans, the hippocampus is in the temporal lobe and may play a role in learning and memory.
  16. Internal Capsule-
    A large collection of axons that connects the telencephalon with the diencephalon.
  17. Occipital Lobe-
    The region of the cerebrum lying under the occipital bone.
  18. Olfactory Tract-
    A bundle of axons leading from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex.
  19. Optic nerve-
    The bundle of ganglion cell axons that passes from the eye to the optic chiasm.
  20. Parietal Lobe-
    The region of the cerebrum lying under the parietal bone.
  21. Pineal Gland-
     The center for the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates daily body rhythms, most noticeably the day/night cycle.
  22. Postcentral Gyrus-
    Primary somatosensory cortex, required for body sensations.
  23. Precentral Gyrus-
     primary motor cortex, required for movement of body.
  24. Somatosensory cortex-
    is a required part of the brain for body sensations
  25. Temporal lobe-
    the region of the cerebrum lying under the temporal bone.
  26. Wernicke’s area-
    Is located in the temporal lobe and is vital for the comprehension of speech.
  27. Hypothalamus-
    The ventral part of the diencephalon, involved in the control of the autonomic nervous system and the pituitary gland.
  28. Thalamus-
    The dorsal part of the diencephalon, highly interconnected with the cerebral neocortex.
  29. Inferior Colliculus-
    A nucleus in the midbrain from which all ascending auditory signals project to the medial geniculate nucleus.
  30. Superior Colliculus-
    A structure in the tectum of the midbrain that receives direct retinal input and controls saccadic eye movements.
  31. Cerebellum-
    A Structure derived from the rhombencephalon, attached to the brain stem at the pons; an important movement control center.
  32. Medulla-
     works with the pons support vital bodily processes.
  33. Pons-
    the part of the rostral hindbrain that lies ventral to the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle.
  34. Olfactory Nerve-
  35. Optic Nerve-
  36. Oculomotor Nerve-
    Eye movement; Pupil constriction
  37. Trochlear Nerve-
     Eye movement
  38. Trigeminal Nerve-
    somatosensory information (touch, pain) from the face & head; muscles for chewing
  39. Abducens Nerve-
     Eye movement
  40. Facial Nerve-
    Taste(anterior 2/3 of tongue) somatosensory information from ear; controls muscle used in facial expression
  41. Vestibulocochlear Nerve-
    hearing ; balance
  42. Glossopharyngeal Nerve-
     Taste (posterior 1/3 of tongue) somatosensory info from tongue, tonsil, pharynx; controls some muscles used in swallowing.
  43. Vagus Nerve-
    sensory motor and autonomic function of viscera(glands, digestion, heart rate)
  44. Spinal Accessory Nerve-
    controls muscles used in head movement
  45. Hypoglossal Nerve-
    controls muscles of tongue
  46. Choroid plexus-
    is a structure in the ventricles of the brain where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced.
  47. Meninges-
    Three membranes that cover the surface of the central nervous system: the dura mater, arachnoid membrane, and pia mater. The singular name is meninx
Card Set
neuro lab functions
brain structures and the functions for nurobiolagy lab