Medterms 4b (Gastrointestinal System)

  1. transabdominal
    pertaining to across/through abdomen
  2. gastroenterostomy
    creation of opening between stomach and small intestine
  3. sialolithotomy
    incision in salivary duct or gland to remove stone (calculus)
  4. glossorrhaphy
    suture of tongue
  5. hematemesis
    vomiting blood
  6. cheilostomatoplasty
    surgical repair or reconstruction of lip and mouth
  7. appendicitis
    inflammation of the appendix
  8. celiotomy
    incision in abdomen
  9. cholangiogram
    x-ray (record) of bile ducts (vessels)
  10. colonoscopy
    process of examining colon
  11. anorectal
    pertaining to mouth and tongue
  12. enterocolitis
    inflammation of small intestine and colon
  13. orolingual
    pertaining to mouth and tongue
  14. proctosigmoidoscopy
    process of examining anus, rectum and sigmoid colon
  15. laparoscope
    instrument for examining abdomen
  16. dysphagia
    condition of painful, difficulty, or faulty eating or swallowing
  17. pancreatoduodenostomy
    creation of opening between pancreas and duodenum
  18. hernioplasty
    sergical repair of reconstruction of hernia
  19. biliary
    pertaining to bile
  20. gastroesophageal
    pertaining to stomach and esophagus
  21. choledochotomy
    incision into common bile duct
  22. steatorrhea
    discharge of fat
  23. dentalgia
    tooth pain
  24. pylorospasm
    involuntary contraction of pylorus (gatekeeper)
  25. hepatotoxic
    pertaining to poisoning the liver
  26. ileojejunitis
    inflammation of ileum and jejunum
  27. peritoneocentesis
    puncture of peritoneum for aspiration
  28. buccogingival
    pertaining to cheek and gum
  29. cholecystectomy
    excision/removal of bile and bladder or sac
  30. perirectal
    pertaining to around the rectum
  31. hemicolectomy
    removal of half the colon
  32. cheilorrhaphy
    suture of lip
  33. cholelithotomy
    incision for removal of gallstones
  34. stomatoplasty
    surgical repair of mouth
  35. hyperbilirubinemia
    excessive bilirubin in blood
  36. gastric resection
    partial removal and repair of stomach
  37. diverticulosis
    presence of diverticula (pouching, abnormal side pockets in GI tract)
  38. lapar/o
  39. gloss/o
  40. enter/o
    small intestine
  41. dent/i
  42. gastr/o
  43. bucc/o
  44. chol/e
  45. stomat/o
  46. hepat/o
  47. phag/o
  48. lith/o
  49. proct/o
  50. gastritis
    inflammation of stomach
  51. anorexia
    loss of appetite (severe disturbance in eating behavior from abnormal perception of body weight)
  52. aphagia
    inability to swallow
  53. buccal
    in the cheek
  54. flatulence
    gas in the stomach or intestine
  55. hernia
    rupture or protrusion of part from its normal location
  56. melena
    black tarry stool (due to old blood)
  57. eructation
  58. proctoscope or rectoscope
    instrument to examine rectum
  59. colitis
    inflammation of large intestine
  60. barium swallow
    portion of upper GI series x-ray used to examine esophagus only
  61. ascites
    accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
  62. cholecystitis
    infammation of gallbladder
  63. steatorrhea
    feces containing fat
  64. gastric ulcer
    peptic ulcer in stomach
  65. hepatomegaly
    enlargement of liver
  66. ankyloglossia
    tongue-tie condition
  67. inguinal regions
    lower lateral groin regions
  68. hypochondria regions
    upper lateral regions beneath ribs
  69. epigastric regions
    upper middle region below sternum
  70. hypogastric regions
    region below navel
  71. lumbar regions
    middle lateral regions
  72. umbilical region
    region of navel
  73. cathartic
  74. herniorrhaphy
  75. appendicitis
  76. lower GI series
    barium enema
  77. icterus
  78. peptic ulcer disease
    H. pylori bacterial infection
  79. abdominocentesis
  80. parotitis
  81. sublingual
  82. upper GI series
    barium swallow
  83. ulcerative colitis
  84. cholelithiasis
  85. morbid obesity
    bariatric surgery
  86. anoscope or proctoscope
    instrument used to examine anus
  87. gastroscope
    instrument used to examine stomach
  88. colonoscope
    instrument used to examine colon
  89. peritoneoscope
    instrument used to examine peritoneal cavity
  90. esophagoscope
    instrument used to examine esophagus
  91. incarcerated hernia
    hernia that is swollen and fixed within a sac, causing obstruction
  92. excisional biopsy
    biopsy that involves removal of an entire growth
  93. nasogastric tube
    NG tube
  94. endoscope retrograde cholangiopancreatography
  95. gastroesophageal reflux disease
  96. left upper quadrant
  97. gastrointestinal
  98. magnetic resonance imaging
  99. esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  100. hematochezia
    red blood in stool
  101. icterus (jaundice)
    yellow discoloration of skin, sclera, and other tissues from excessive bilirubin in blood
  102. ankyloglossia
  103. volvulus
    twisting of bowel on itself, causing obstruction
  104. cirrhosis
    chronic disease marked by liver degeneration, usually from alcoholism or nutritional deficiency
  105. glossectomy
    excision of all or part of tongue
  106. herniorrhaphy
    repair of hernia
  107. hemorrhoidectomy
    excision or removal of hemorrhoid
  108. antacid
    drug that neutralizes stomach acid
  109. antiemetic
    drug that prevents or stops vomiting
  110. feces/fecal
    refuse; solid waste formed in large intestine
  111. ileum/ileal
    lower portion of small intestine
  112. endoscopy/endoscopic
    instrument used to examine within the body
  113. hemorrhoid/hemorrhoidal
    swollen, twisted vein (varicosity) in anal region
  114. pancreas/pancreatic
    located behind stomach in from of first and second lumbar vertebra, secreting insulin and glucagon
Card Set
Medterms 4b (Gastrointestinal System)
Gastrointestinal system