DNA Synthesis, Mitosis, Meiosis

  1. What are the nitrogen base pairs for DNA and RNA?
    • DNA base pairs:              RNA base pairs:
    •  Adenine =Thymine            Adenine = Uracil
    • Guanine =Cytosine            Guanine = Cytosine
  2. What are the components of DNA?
    Image Upload 2
  3. How many chromosomes do we have?
    46 Chromosomes
  4. Stages of the cell cycle

    Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  5. Stages of the cell cycle for mitosis: cell division

    Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  6. Interphase
    Three phases: G1, S, G2 then Mitosis begins(Cell Division)

    • Image Upload 4
    • G1-Cell growth, organelle duplication, and protein synthesis
    • S- DNA Replication occurs, histone synthesis
    • G2- finishes protein synthesis and centriole replication
  7. Prophase example
    Image Upload 6
  8. Mitosis: Prophase
    • DNA condenses
    • Organizes
    • Chromosomes appear to become visible
    • Centriole move to opposite ends of the cell as microtubules raidate out from the centriol
    • Microtubules then attach to the centrome of the chormosome to pull them to oppsite ends
    • Lastly the nuclear membrane breaks down
  9. Mitosis: Metaphase
    • The replicated chromosomes line up on the equator by the attached microtubules.
    • Image Upload 8
  10. Mitosis: Anaphase
    • The chromatides of each chromosome pair seperate by the microtubules pulling at the centrome to opposite ends
    • Image Upload 10
  11. Mitosis: Telophase
    • The nuclear envelope redevelops and the chromosomes uncondense.
    • Cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and the daughter cells are produced.
    • Image Upload 12
  12. What are the GO signals for cell division?
    • -Volume of cell when area of membrane is inadequate for exchange.
    • -Chemicals (e.g.growth factors, hormones, cyclins, and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks)).
  13. What are the Stop signals for cell division?
    • Contact inhibition
    • Growth-inhibiting factors produced by repressor genes
    • Worn out telomeres (ends of chromosomes)
  14. How does DNA replicate to for two new genetically identical daughter cells?
    • DNA strands of a chromosome unwind by the enzyme helicase and separate.
    • DNA polymerases attach complementary nucleotides to each side of the DNA strand
    • It catalyzes hydrogen bond formation between nucleotides
    • This results in two exact copies of one chromosome that are identical
    • to each other
Card Set
DNA Synthesis, Mitosis, Meiosis