DNA Synthesis, Mitosis, Meiosis

  1. What are the nitrogen base pairs for DNA and RNA?
    • DNA base pairs:              RNA base pairs:
    •  Adenine =Thymine            Adenine = Uracil
    • Guanine =Cytosine            Guanine = Cytosine
  2. What are the components of DNA?
  3. How many chromosomes do we have?
    46 Chromosomes
  4. Stages of the cell cycle

    Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  5. Stages of the cell cycle for mitosis: cell division

    Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  6. Interphase
    Three phases: G1, S, G2 then Mitosis begins(Cell Division)

    • G1-Cell growth, organelle duplication, and protein synthesis
    • S- DNA Replication occurs, histone synthesis
    • G2- finishes protein synthesis and centriole replication
  7. Prophase example
  8. Mitosis: Prophase
    • DNA condenses
    • Organizes
    • Chromosomes appear to become visible
    • Centriole move to opposite ends of the cell as microtubules raidate out from the centriol
    • Microtubules then attach to the centrome of the chormosome to pull them to oppsite ends
    • Lastly the nuclear membrane breaks down
  9. Mitosis: Metaphase
    • The replicated chromosomes line up on the equator by the attached microtubules.
  10. Mitosis: Anaphase
    • The chromatides of each chromosome pair seperate by the microtubules pulling at the centrome to opposite ends
  11. Mitosis: Telophase
    • The nuclear envelope redevelops and the chromosomes uncondense.
    • Cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and the daughter cells are produced.
  12. What are the GO signals for cell division?
    • -Volume of cell when area of membrane is inadequate for exchange.
    • -Chemicals (e.g.growth factors, hormones, cyclins, and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks)).
  13. What are the Stop signals for cell division?
    • Contact inhibition
    • Growth-inhibiting factors produced by repressor genes
    • Worn out telomeres (ends of chromosomes)
  14. How does DNA replicate to for two new genetically identical daughter cells?
    • DNA strands of a chromosome unwind by the enzyme helicase and separate.
    • DNA polymerases attach complementary nucleotides to each side of the DNA strand
    • It catalyzes hydrogen bond formation between nucleotides
    • This results in two exact copies of one chromosome that are identical
    • to each other
Card Set
DNA Synthesis, Mitosis, Meiosis