Delmar's Electricity Unit 1, Atomic Structure

  1. What are the three principal parts of an atom, and what charges does each carry?
    • Protons - Positive
    • Nuetrons - No Charge
    • Electrons - Negative Charge
  2. How many times larger is an electron than a proton?
  3. How many times more does a proton weigh than an electron?
  4. State the law of charges.
    Oppisite charges attract each other, like charges repel each other.
  5. What force keeps an electron in orbit around the nucleus of an atom?
  6. How many valence electrons are generally contained in materials used for conductors?
    Between 1 and 3.
  7. How many valence electrons are generallyl contained in materials used for insulators?
    7 or 8
  8. What is electricity?
    The flow of electrons
  9. What is gluon?
    A subatomic particle
  10. It is theorized that protons and nuetrons are acutally formed from a combination of smaller particles.  What are these particle called?
  11. What is the symbol for Voltage?
    Voltage = E(lectro motor force)
  12. What is the symbol for amperage?
    Amperage = I(ntensity)
  13. What is the symbol for ressistance?
    Resisstance =R(essistance)
  14. What is the symbol for watts?
    Watts = P(ower)
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Delmar's Electricity Unit 1, Atomic Structure
Review Questions, Unit 1