NRS 215-5 stress

  1. stress =
    human response to change in our normal balanced state
  2. interal stressor example
    you are ill
  3. stressor=
    any event or stimulus that causes an individual to experience stress
  4. what is adaptation =
    • the change that takes place as the result of the reponse to the stressor
    • (coping with stress)
  5. example of internal stressor =
  6. developmental stressor =
    • going to high school
    • getting married etc.
  7. homeostasis =
    the state of equilibrium in the internal environment of the body, naturally maintained by adaptive responses that promote healthy survival
  8. bodies desire to have things regulated =
  9. normal blood pH =
  10. when various receptors and effectors bring about a reaction to ensure that conditions remain favorable in the body this is called
    negative feedback
  11. medulla oblonata controls what
    HR, BP, resp
  12. Reticular Formation does what
    monitors the physiological status of the body through connections with sensory and motor tracts
  13. what is involved in flight or fight
    • SNS arousal
    • HR up
    • shunting of blood to vital organs and muscles
    • increased BP, resp, glucose
  14. stimulus-based model =
    • stress = stimulus or life event
    • more stress = more vulnerability to illness
  15. General adaptation model  =
    • alarm reaction - lasts minutes to 24 hours
    • resistance stage - coping
    • exhaustion stage
  16. transaction based model =
    attempts to explain individual differences in stress response
  17. psycological indicators of stress
    • anxiety and fear (mild - panic)
    • anger
    • depression
  18. physiologic indicators of stress =
    • dry mouth
    • sweating
    • gi upset
    • hyperventilation
    • mind-body connection
  19. unconscious reactions to stressors
    • denial
    • displacement
    • rationalization
    • regression
    • repression
    • projection
  20. Denial =
    refuse to acknowledge problem
  21. displacement =
    • transfer emotinal reaction
    • man hit wall instead of wife
  22. rationalization =
    • justify behaviors using faulty logic
    • baby got spanked but ok since has diaper on
  23. regression =
    • returning to a earlier stage of development
    • temper tantrum
  24. repression =
    thoughts denied completely
  25. projection =
    attach blame onto others fo unacceptabe behaviors
  26. how people try to cope cognitively
    • problem solving
    • structuring
    • self control
    • suppression
    • fantasy or daydreaming
  27. prolonged stress is related too
    • Cardiovascualr disease
    • GI problems
    • headaches
    • cancer
    • decreased immune system
  28. coping =
    dealing with a change
  29. ASD =
    • acute stress disorder
    • usually occurs within the first month of a stresor
  30. PTSD is
    ASD longer than a month
  31. ASD begins with
    witnessing or eing confronted with a traumatic event
  32. ASD resonds with
    • intense fear
    • helplessness
    • horror
  33. PTSD characterized by
    • flashbacks
    • delayed onset (longer than 4 weeks)
    • persist longer than 1 month
  34. stress is assessed through?
    the history and physical
  35.  nursing diagnosis regarding stress =
    • ineffective coping
    • anxiety r/t (related too)
    • fear r/t (related too)
    • caregiver role strain
  36. crisis intervention therapy
    is direct, brief, and focuses only on the problem related to the crisis
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NRS 215-5 stress
NRS 215-5 stress