OB cardiovascular system anomalies

  1. ____ is the most common congenital heart disease.
    Ventricular septal defect VSD
  2. 4 classifications of anomalie defects
    • 1. increased pulmonary blood flow
    • 2. decreased pulmonary blood flow
    • 3. obstruction to blood flow out of heart
    • 4. mixed blood flow
  3. Defects of increased pulmonary blood flow
    • With this type there is increased blood to lungs and decreased blood to the body
    • seen when there is a left to right shunt
    • S&S:  CHF, murmur, atrial dysrhythmia
    • *atrial septal defects
    • *VSD
    • *patent ductus arteriosus
    • "acyanotic"
  4. Obstructive defects
    • blood exiting heart meets area of anatomic narrowing causing obstruction of flow
    • S&S:  elevated BP, bounding pulses in arma, weak or absent femoral pulses, cool lower extremities
    • *coarctation of the aorta, aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis
    • "acyanotic"
  5. Defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow
    • Obstruction of pulmonary blood flow and anatomic defect between the right and left sides of the heart
    • S&S:  blue spells, murmur, episodic hypoxia (esp with crying), blubbing
    • *Tetrology of fallow and tricuspid atresia (fails to develop)
    • "cyanotic"
  6. Mixed defects
    • Variety of combined cardia anomalies
    • SS:  varies depending on symptoms of anomalies present
    • *transposition of the great arteries, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, truncus arteriosus, hypoplastic left heart syndrome
    • "cyanotic"
Card Set
OB cardiovascular system anomalies
OB cardiovascular system anomalies