
  1. Definitive Host
    Harbors the reproductive stage of the parasite
  2. Intermediate Host
    One species lives on or with another organism
  3. Incidental Host
    A host that has a parasite which normally does not survive long in an unnatural human host
  4. Facultative Parasite
    A host that can have a free living stage
  5. Symbiosis
    "Living together"
  6. Endoparasite
    A parasite living within our body
  7. Zoonosis
    Another term used to describe an Incidental Host
  8. Vector
    Transports a parasite from one site to another
  9. Parasitism
    One species lives on or with another organism
  10. Commensalism
    One species benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed
  11. What is a distinguishing characteristic of Iodamoeba butschlii:
    Glycogen vacuole in cyst
  12. Name some characteristics of E.coli nuclei:
    Eccentric karyosome, dirty cytoplasm, up to eight in cyst
  13. Cyst stage of Giardia lamblia has how many nuclei:
  14. What protozoa has multiple nuclei in the troph stage:
    Dientamoeba fragilis, Giardia lamblia
  15. T or F:
    D.fragilis and T. vaginalis doesn't have a cyst stage

  16. Falling leaf motility is a characteristic for what:
    G. lamblia
  17. How do you ID E. histolytica
    Stool sample
  18. West African sleeping sickness is caused by:
  19. How do you become infected with T.rhodesiense:
    Tsetse fly
  20. ID of Balantidium coli is made from:
    cyst in stool
  21. All flukes require what kind of host:
    snails as an intermediate host
  22. Digenea organnisms; which one is diagnosed by eggs in sputum:
    Paragonimus westermani
  23. Digenea are infectious to humans by:
  24. A sporocyst develops into:
  25. What emerges from the snail to become the infective stage:
  26. Common name for Fasciola hepatica
    Liver fluke
  27. Infective stage of Clonorchis sinensis found in:
    Freshwater fish
  28. Body surface of Digenea called:
  29. Fluke most commonly found in US:
    Fasciola hepatica
  30. Digenea infection for bloody urine often a symptom of:
    Schistosoma haematobium
  31. Schistosoma cercariae enter the body:
    Skin penetration
  32. Paragonimus westermani infection is acquired by:
    Eating infected Crustacea
  33. The Playhelminthes infects humans by skin penetration and is associated with bladder cancer:
    Schistosoma haematobium
  34. Specimen for diagnosis of paragonimiasis:
  35. Three species of human blood flukes have what intermediate host:
    Acquatic snail
  36. Fish carrying metacercariae may transmit:
    Clonorchis sinensis
  37. Flukes are:
    Non-segmented, leaf-shaped, flattened dorsoventrally
  38. Acetabula structures are:
    Muscular suckers
  39. Metacercariae are:
    stage in life of a hermaphroditic fluke
  40. Miracidium:
    Penetrates a snail
  41. Common name for Clonorchis sinensis:
    Chinese liver fluke
  42. Diagnostic stage for Fasciola hepatica
    Eggs in stool
  43. Sporocyst develops from:
  44. Thickened terminal operculum shell points to :
    Paragonimus westermani
  45. Cercaria becomes a schistosomule in:
  46. Common name for Hymenolepsis nana
    Dwarf tapeworm
  47. T or F:
    Hymenolepsis nana, autoreinfection possible

  48. Developing organism within the egg of Hymenolepis nana:
    Hexacanth embryo
  49. Common name for:
    Taenia saginata
    Beef tapeworm
  50. Man becomes infected by Taenia solium by eating:
  51. Common name of:
    Taenia solium
    Pork tapeworm
  52. Name of entire body of an adult tapeworm:
  53. T or F:
    Man can become infected with the cysticercus from pork tapeworm

  54. Number of hooklets present in developing Taenia species egg
  55. T. solium has how many uterine branches in mature proglottid
  56. The nematodes are called:
    Round worms
  57. T or F:
    Nematodes are none hermaphroditic

  58. Exterior resistant surface of adult nematode is called:
  59. How do humans become infected by nematodes?
    Insects may transmit eggs or larva to new host, Eggs may be infective by ingestion, Eggs or larva may need a period of development prior to being infective
  60. Infective stage of nematodes called:
    Filariform larva stage
  61. Migrating nematodes associated with:
  62. Adult nematode anterior end may have oral hooks, teeth, or plates found in:
    Buccal capsule
  63. T or F:
    Rhabditiform larva is the infective stage of Strongyloides stercoralis

  64. Ascaris lumbricodes eggs require one month in soil to become infective
    Life cycle process
  65. Leaving the bloodstream, hookworm larva travel
    To lungs
  66. Humans become infected with nematodes in the following ways:
    Ingestion of fertilized egg, Penetration by larva, transmission of larva by insect bite
  67. Common name for Ancylostoma duodenale:
    Old world hookworm
  68. Common name for Necator americanus:
    New world hookworm
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