BMSC 230 Bioenergetics

  1. Exergonic
    • -reaction where ΔG is negative
    • -reaction will proceed
    • -energy level of reactants is higher than the products
  2. Endergonic
    • -reaction where ΔG is positive
    • -requires input of energy to proceed in forward direction
    • -initial energy level of reactants is lower than that of products
  3. ΔG0' 
    -free energy change when calculated at 1M initial concentration, 1 ATM and at pH 7.0
  4. ΔG0=-R*T*ln(Keq)
    • R is gas constant
    • T is temp in Kelvin (273+celsius)
    • Keq is equilibrium contant 
    • can also be written as ΔG0=-2.3*R*T*log(Keq)
    • -when Keq=1 ΔG=0 (reaction at equilibrium)
    • -when Keq<1 ΔG=+number, is an endergonic reaction favouring reverse reaction
    • -when Keq>1 ΔG=-number, is an exergonic reaction, favours forward reaction
    • -when coupling reactions ΔG values are additive, but Keq values are multiplicative 
  5. Stability of ATP
    • -ATP is very unstable because it has 4 negative charges
    • -generally found in body bonded with magnesium, which relieves 2 negative charges
  6. High Energy Molecules
    • -any molecule that gives higher than -25kJ/mol is considered high energy
    • -4 compounds with higher ΔG values than ATP
    • -phosphoenolpyruvate
    • -1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 
    • -phosphocreatine
    • -acetyl-CoA
  7. Prothetic Group
    -covalently bonded to enzyme
  8. Co-enzyme
    -not covalently bonded to enzyme
  9. NAD
    • -nicotinamide bonded to adenine which is bonded through phosphodiester to another adenine
    • -can be reduced to NADH+ H+
  10. FAD
    • -flavin adenine dinucleotide 
    • -has flavin bonded to ribose down to adenine monophosphate 
  11. ΔG0=-nFE0net
    • -used to calculate ΔG based on electron affinity 
    • -n=number of electrons involved
    • -F=faraday's number
    • -E0'=net reduction potential
    • -High E0' means HIGH affinity for e- low value means low affinity
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BMSC 230 Bioenergetics