Primary Care Paramedic Drug Protocols

  1. Conditions for ASA (Cardiac Ischemia), 3 conditions
    • Age: > 18 years
    • LOA: Unaltered
    • Other: Ability to chew
  2. Conditions for Nitro (Cardiac Ischemia), 5 conditions
    • Age: > 18 years
    • LOA: Unaltered
    • HR: 60 - 159 BPM
    • SBP: Normotension (> 100 mmHg)
    • Other: Prior history of nitroglycerin use OR IV access obtained
  3. Contraindications for ASA, 4 conditions
    • Allergy or sensitivity to ASA or other NSAIDS
    • If asthmatic, no prior use of ASA
    • Current Active bleeding
    • CVA or TBI in previous 24 hours
  4. Contraindications for Nitroglycerin (Cardiac Ischemia)
    • Allergy or sensitivity to nitrates
    • Phosphodiesterase inhibitor use within previous 48 hours
    • SBP drops by one-third or more of its intial value after nitro is administered
    • 12-lead ECG compatible with right ventricular infarct
  5. Dose for ASA
    • 160 - 162 mg
    • 1 Dose
  6. Dose, interval and max number of doses for nitroglycerin
    • Dose: 0.4 mg
    • Dosing interval: 5 min
    • Max number of dose: 6 doses
  7. Indications for Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
    • Moderate to severe respiratory distress AND
    • Suspected acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema
  8. Conditions for Nitro (Pulmonary Edema), 4 conditions
    • Age: > 18 years
    • HR: 60 - 159 BPM
    • SBP: Normotensive
    • Other: Ascertain prior history of nitroglycerin use OR establish IV access
  9. Contraindications for Nitro (Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema), 3 indications
    • Allergy or sensitivity to nitrates
    • Phosphodiesterase inhibitor use within the previous 48 hours
    • SBP drops by one-third or more of its initial value after nitro is administered
  10. SBP required when administering nitro for acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema when IV not established
    > 140 mmHg
  11. SBP required when administering nitro for acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema when IV is established
    SBP 100 mmHg to <140 mmHg
  12. (5) Indications for Hypoglycemia
    • Confusion
    • Low LOA/LOC
    • Agitation
    • Seizure
    • Symptoms of stroke
  13. (2) Contraindications for Glucagon
    • Allergy or sensitivity to glucagon
    • Pheochromocytoma
  14. Dose, interval and max dose for glucagon in an individual < 25 kg
    • Dose: 0.5 mg
    • Dosing Interval: 20 min
    • Max number of doses: 2
  15. Dose, interval and max dose for glucagon in an individual > 25 kg
    • Dose: 1 mg
    • Dosing interval: 20 min
    • Max number of doses: 2
  16. What needs to be done if a patient who was hypoglycemic refuses transport
    Final set of vitals including blood glucomtery
  17. Indications for Bronchoconstriction Medical directive
    • Respiratory distress AND
    • Suspected bronchoconstriction
  18. (2) Conditions for Epinephrine in Brocnhoconstriction medical directive
    • BVM ventilation required
    • History of asthma
  19. Contraindications for Salbutamol
    Allergy or sensitivity to salbutamol
  20. Contraindications for Epinephrine
    Allergy or sensitivity to epinephrine
  21. Dose for salbutamol in patients <25 kg
    • MDI: 6 puffs (600 mcg)
    • NEB: 2.5 mg
  22. Dose for salbutamol in patients > 25 kg
    • MDI: 8 puffs (800 mcg)
    • NEB: 5 mg
  23. Dosing Interval for salbutamol
    5 - 15 min. PRN
  24. Max number of doses for salbutamol
  25. Route for epinephrine
  26. 1 puff of via MDI for salbutamol how how much medication
    100 mcg
  27. Dose for epinephrine
    0.01 m/kg rounded to nearest 0.05 mg
  28. Max dose for epinephrine
    0.5 mg
  29. Max number of doses for epinephrine
  30. Contraindications for MDI
    • Patient has known or suspected fever
    • Declared febrile respiratory illness outbreak by the local medical officer of health
  31. How many breaths between administrating salbutamol via MDI
    4 breaths
  32. Indications for severe allergic reaction
    • Exposure to probable allergen
    • Wheezing, Hypotension, Urticaria, Stridor, Edema
  33. Contraindications to epinephrine
    allergy or sensitivity to epinephrine
  34. Dose for diphenhydramine in patients with weight between >25 kg to <50 kg
    25 mg
  35. Dose for diphenhydramine in patients with weight > 50 kg
    50 mg
  36. Max number of doses for diphenhydramine
  37. Indications for Croup
    • Severe respiratory distress AND
    • Stridor at rest AND
    • Current history of upper respiratory tract infection AND
    • Barking cough or recent history of a barking cough
  38. Conditions for croup
    • Age: <8 years
    • HR: <200 bpm
  39. Dose of epinephrine for patients with croup Age > 1 year
    5.0 mg NEB
  40. Dose of epinephrine for patients with croup Age < 1 year weight > 5 kg
    2.5 mg NEB
  41. Dose of epinephrine for patients with croup Age < 1 year weight < 5 kg
    0.5 mg in 2 mL saline NEB
  42. Max number of doses of epinephrine for patients with croup
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Primary Care Paramedic Drug Protocols
Primary Care Paramedic Drug Protocols Ontario ALS (2011)