
  1. What is the function of the Nucleus?
    controls all the activities of the cell
  2. What is the function of the cytoplasm?
    is a jelly-like substance that holds all the other organelles in place in a cell.
  3. What is the function of the mitochonrdion?
    releases energy in the cell. It is the "powerhouse" of the cell. It uses oxygen and released energy from digested food.
  4. What is the Function of the Vacuole?
    stores water, food, and waste that cells cannot use right away.
  5. What is the E.R and what is the function?
    Endoplasmic Reticulum, is the part of the cell that transport materials. Food, water, and waste, move around and out the cell.
  6. What is the function of the Vacuole?
    Stores food, water and waste that the cell cannot use right away.
  7. What is the function of the Golgi Body?
    Packages and transport protein, and holds waste products until the cell is ready to get rid of them.
  8. What is the function of the Cell Membrane?
    Separates the inner parts of the cell from the surrounding envirnment. This is the semi-permeable Membrane, in that it allows some things in such as water and food molecules, but keeps out other things that may be harmful or unnecessary.
  9. What is the function of the Cell Wall?
    Provides protection and strength for the cell. This is the non-living part of the cell.
  10. What is the function of the Chloroplast?
    Contains a pigment called Chlorophyll which gives color to plants.
  11. What is another name for Red Blood Cells?
  12. What is the cell name for male reproductive?
    Spermatozoon/Sperm Cell.
  13. What is the name for the female reproductive cell?
    Egg cell or Ovum
  14. What is the Leucocytes?
    White Blood cells.
  15. What is the function of the White Blood cell?
    To protect the body from Pathogens (disease causing organism)
  16. What is Pathogen?
    Disease Causing organsim
  17. What is the function of the Nerve cell?
    transmit electrical impulses to all the parts of the body.
  18. What is the function of the Muscle cell?
    Contracts to bring about movement- cause movement.
  19. What is the function of the Root Hair Cell?
    Absort waste and mineral, salt from the soil.
  20. What is the function of the Guard Cell?
    Control the size of the stoma
  21. What is the function of the Xylem Vessel?
    Contuct water and mineral salts up the shoot.
  22. What is the function of the Phloem Vessel?
    Conduct food made in the leaves to all parts of the plants.
  23. What is the function of the Palisade Cell?
    Contains many chloroplasts. This is where most photosynthesis occurs.
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Biology Class!