ITIL® V3 Foundation Complete Certification Kit: 2009 Edition

  1. Alert
    A warning that a threshold has been reached, something has changed, or a failure has occurred.
  2. Asset
    Any resource or capability.
  3. Application Sizing
    Determines the hardware or network capacity to support new or modified applications and the predicted workload.
  4. Baselines
    A benchmark used as a reference point for later comparison.
  5. CMDB
    Configuration Management Database
  6. CMS
    Configuration Management System
  7. Configuration Item (CI)
    Any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT Service.
  8. DML
    Definitive Media Library
  9. Function
    A team or group of people and the tools they use to carry out one or more processes or activities.
  10. Incident
    An unplanned interruption to, or reduction in the quality of, an IT service.
  11. Known Error:
    A problem that has a documented Root Cause and a Workaround
  12. KEDB
    Known Error Database
  13. Maintainability
    A measure of how quickly and effectively a CI or IT service can be restored to normal after a failure.
  14. Modeling
    A technique used to predict the future behavior of a system, process, CI etc
  15. MTBF
    Mean Time Between Failures (Uptime)
  16. MTBSI
    Mean Time Between Service Incidents
  17. MTRS
    Mean Time to Restore Service (Downtime)
  18. OLA
    Operational Level Agreement – internal agreements that support SLAs.
  19. Process
    A structured set of activities designed to accomplish a specific objective.
  20. Process Owner
    Role responsible for ensuring that a process is fit for purpose.
  21. Remediation
    Recovery to a known state after a failed Change or Release
  22. RFC
    Request for Change
  23. Service
    A means of delivering value to Customers by facilitating Outcomes Customers want toachieve without the ownership of specific Costs and risks
  24. Service Owner
    Role that is accountable for the delivery of a specific IT service
  25. Service Assets
    Any capability or resource of a service provider
  26. Serviceability
    Measures Availability, Reliability, Maintainability of IT services/CI’s under control of external suppliers.
  27. SIP
    Service Improvement Plan
  28. SKMS
    Service Knowledge Management System
  29. SLA
    Service Level Agreement – agreements between service providers and customers.
  30. SLM
    Service Level Manager
  31. SLR
    Service Level Requirements
  32. SSIP
    Supplier Service Improvement Plan
  33. Status Accounting
    Reporting of all current and historical data about each CI throughout its lifecycle.
  34. Trigger
    An indication that some action or response to an event may be needed. All processes are triggered by some event or action taking place; otherwise we would not know when to execute them.
  35. Tuning
    Used by Capacity Management to identify areas of the IT infrastructure that could be better utilized.
  36. UC
    Underpinning Contract – manages supplier relationships and services provided by them.
  37. Utility
    Functionality offered by a product or service to meet a particular need. Often summarized as‘what it does’.
  38. VBF
    Vital Business Function
  39. Warranty
    A promise or guarantee that a product or service will meet its agreed requirements.
  40. Workaround
    The pre-defined and documented technique in which to restore functionality to the user with the required functionality. A workaround is NOT a permanent (structural) solution, and only addresses the symptoms of errors..
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ITIL® V3 Foundation Complete Certification Kit: 2009 Edition
ITIL® V3 Foundation Complete Certification Kit: 2009 Edition Glossary