BIO 116 Ch. 7

  1. what is theoretical analysis supported by?
    empirical data
  2. Does belonging to a risk group mean you can get the disease?  
  3. What determines if you can get the disease?
    your behaviors
  4. What happens to HIV when exposed to air or soap+water?
    it becomes non-viable (dies)
  5. What are the two most likely cells to have HIV?
    T-helper cells and macrophages
  6. What are the 3 highly infective body fluids that can harbor HIV?
    • vaginal/cervical secretions
    • semen
    • blood
  7. What are the 4 classes of body fluids that can contribute to HIV transmission?
    • Very high infectivity (blood, semen, vaginal fluid)
    • High infectivity (breast milk)
    • Low infectivity (saliva, tears)
    • No infectivity (sweat, urine)
  8. For blood and semen, which cells is HIV usually found in?
  9. Why are body fluids like urine, sweat, and saliva not a big worry with HIV?
    they don't have dangerous levels of HIV
  10. Why does HIV die when it comes in contact with air?
    air dries out the fluid and kills the cells that contain HIV
  11. What does HIV need on a cell in order to transmit the virus to an uninfected person?
    it needs cells with the CD4 receptor
  12. Why is HIV transmission less during oral sex?
    there is less trauma and the environment might not be right for transmission
  13. What are examples of casual contact that won't spread HIV?
    • closed mouth kissing
    • sharing cups
    • shaking hands
    • using the same toilet
    • using the same phone
  14. how does a fetus get HIV from it's mother?
    small tears can develop in the placenta allowing the mother’s blood cells to enter into the fetus OR during birth the baby is exposed to bodily fluids that contain the virust
  15. What blood-related ways can HIV be transmitted?
    • blood transfusion
    • sharing needles
    • needle pricks
  16. how do injection-drug users inject the drug?
    They draw a little from their arm to make sure they have a vein, and THEN inject the drug
  17. Of the main modes of transmission, which is the most common?
  18. what are the 2 least risky sexual behaviors?
    closed-mouth kissing and masturbation
  19. Could open mouth kissing transmit HIV?
    it's HIGHLY unlikely, but theoretically yes because saliva has low levels of HIV
  20. Which of the following is NOT a means of screening blood and blood products to prevent the transmission of HIV via transfusion?

    B) Identifying those that are African American men because they are likely to be positive
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BIO 116 Ch. 7