
  1. Giardisis
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  2. Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  3. Trichomoniasis
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  4. Acanthamoeba
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms
  5. Entamoeba
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  6. Amoebiasis
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  7. Balantidiasis
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  8. Malaria
    • Causative Organism:
    • Mode of Contraction:
    • Basic Symptoms:
  9. Giardia Lamblia (cyst)
    Body Fluid:
  10. Giardia lamblia (trophozoite)
    Body Fluid:
  11. Trypanosoma (trophozoite)
    Body fluid:
  12. Trichomonas vaginalis (trophozoite)
    Body fluid:
  13. Entamoeba histolytica (cyst)
    Body fluid:
  14. Entamoeba histolytica (trophozoite)
    Body fluid:
  15. Balantidium coli (cyst)
    Body fluid:
  16. Balantidium coli (trophozoite)
    Body fluid:
  17. Plasmodium (ring state)
    Body fluid:
  18. Plasmodium (schizont state)
    Body fluid:
  19. Lifecycle of Plasmodium and Vector
    Body fluid:
  20. Liver Fluke
    • Schistosoma Mansoni Ova
    • Phylum: Platyhelminths
    • Reproduction: monoecious
  21. Round Worm
    • Ascaris lumbricoides
    • Phylum: Nematoda
    • Reproduction: dieocious
  22. Whip Worm
    • Trichuris Trichuria (ova)
    • Phylum: Nematoda
    • Reproduction: dieocious
  23. Hook Worm
    • Necatur Americanas (ova)
    • Phylum: Nematoda
    • Reproduction: dieocious
  24. Pork Worm
    • Trichinella Spiralis
    • Phylum: Nematoda
    • Reproduction: dieocious
  25. Chinese Liver Fluke
    • Clonorchis Sinesis (ova)
    • Phylum: Platyhelminthes
    • Reproduction:
  26. Pinworm
    • Enterobius Vermicularis (adult/egg)
    • Phylum: Nematoda
    • Reproduction: dieocious
  27. Tapeworm
    • Taenia Solium Cysticerus (ova)
    • Phylum: Platyhelminths
    • Reproduction: monoecious
  28. Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke)
    (Labeled features)
  29. Taenia (tapeworm) Adult and Eggs
    Structure and Function of Scolex/Proglottids
    scolex: point of attachment to intestine of host

    proglottids: series of body sections containing male & female reproductive organs

  30. Necatur Americanus (Hookworms) (eggs; lifecycle)
    • Lifecycle:
    • worms mature in intestines
    • eggs released w/feces
    • larvae hatch and develop in environment
    • infection through skin penetration (feet)
  31. Enterobius Vermicularis (adult and eggs)
    Pinworm (adult/egg photos)
  32. Ascaris lumbricoides (adult)
  33. Trichinella spiralis (in muscle tissue)
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Exam #1