med term ch 2

  1. abdominal
    pertaining to the abdomen
  2. abdominal cavity
    superior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity
  3. abdominal region
    abdominal region of the body
  4. abdominopelvic cavity
    ventral cavity consisting of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
  5. adipose
    fat. connective tissue
  6. anatomical position
    used to describe positions and relationships of structures in the human body
  7. anterior
    directional term meaning near of the front or belly of the body
  8. apex
    directional term meaning summit or tip
  9. base
    directional term meaning bottom or lower part
  10. blood
    major component of the hematic system. water plasma, RBC,WBC, and platlets
  11. body
    a whole living individual
  12. bone
    connective tissue,organ of musculoskeletal system. provides body support and muscle attachment
  13. brachial
    pertaining to the arm
  14. brachial region
    arm region of the body
  15. brain
    center for all thought, memory, judgement and emotion
  16. cardiac muscle
    involuntary muscle found in the heart.
  17. cardiology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the cardiovascular system
  18. cardiovascular system
    system that transports blood to all areas of the body. includes the heart and blood vessels
  19. cartilage
    strong, flexible connective tissue found in several locations of the body
  20. caudal
    directional term meaning toward the feet/tail or below
  21. cell
    basic unit of life. building block
  22. cell membrane
    outermost boundary of the cell
  23. cephalic
    directional term meaning toward the head or above
  24. cephalic region
    head region of the body
  25. cervical
    pertaining to the neck or cervix
  26. cervical region
    neck region of the body
  27. connective tissue
    supporting and protecting tissue in the body structures. adipose, blood, bone, fibrous, loose, cartilage
  28. coronal plane
    frontal plane
  29. coronal section
    frontal section
  30. cranial
    pertaining to the skull
  31. cranial cavity
    dorsal body cavity. contains the skull and brain
  32. cross-section
    internal view of the body produced by a slice perpendicular to the long axis
  33. crural
    pertaining to the legs
  34. cural region
    lower extremity region of the body
  35. cytology
    study of cells
  36. cytoplasm
    watery internal environment of a call
  37. deep
    directional term meaning away from the surface of the body
  38. dermatology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the integumentary system
  39. diaphragm
    major muscle of inspiration. separates thoracic from abdominal cavity
  40. digestive system
    system that digest food and absorbs nutrients. includes mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gall bladder, anus. GI tract
  41. distal
    directional term meaning located farthest from the point of attachment of the body
  42. dorsal
    directional term meaning near or on the back or spinal cord side of the body
  43. dorsum
    refers to the posterior region of the back of the body
  44. endocrine system
    system that consists of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream rather than into a duct. includes thyroid, adrenal, parathyroid, pituitary, pancreas, testes, ovaries, and thymus
  45. endocrinology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the endocrine system
  46. epigastric
    pertaining to above the stomach. an anatomical division of the abdomen, the middle section of the upper row
  47. epithelial
    pertaining to the skin
  48. epithelial tissue
    tissue found throughout the body as the skin, the outer coverings of organs, and the inner lining of tubular or hollow structures
  49. epithelium
    epithelial tissue composed of close packed cells that form the covering for and lining of the body structures
  50. female reproductive system
    system responsible for producing eggs for reproduction and provides place for growing baby. organs include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands
  51. frontal plane
    vertical plane that divides the body into front and back sections
  52. frontal section
    sectional view of the body produced by a cut along the frontal plane
  53. gastroenterology
    branch of medicine specializing in the gastrointestinal system
  54. gluteal
    pertaining to the buttocks
  55. gluteal region
    refers to the buttocks region of the body
  56. gynecology
    branch of medicine specializing in the conditions of the female reproductive system.
  57. hematic system
    system that consists of plasma and blood- RBC, WBC, platelets. responsible for transporting oxygen, protecting against pathogens and controlling bleeding
  58. hematology
    branch of medicine specializing in the conditions of the hematic system
  59. histology
    the study of tissues
  60. horizontal plane
    transverse plane
  61. hypogastric
    pertaining to below the stomach. anatomical division of the abdomen, the middle section of the bottom row
  62. immunology
    branch of medicine specializing in the conditions of the lymphatic and immune systems
  63. inferior
    directional term meaning towards the feet/tail or below
  64. integumentary system
    the skin and it's appendages. includes oil glands, sweat glands, hairs, nails. sense organs that allow us to respond to pain, pressure, touch and temperature. largest organ in the body
  65. lateral
    directional term meaning to the side
  66. left hypochondriac
    an anatomical division of the abdomen. the left side of the upper row.
  67. left illiac
    anatomical division of the abdomen, the left side of the upper row
  68. left lower quadrant
    a clinical division of the abdomen. contains the left lobe of the liver, spleen, stomach, portion of the pancreas, portion of the small and large intestines.
  69. longitudinal section
    a internal view of the body produced by a lengthwise slice along the axis of a structure
  70. lower extremities
  71. lymphatic system
    system that helps the body fight infection. organs include spell, lymph nodes and, lymph vessels
  72. male reproductive system
    system responsible for producing sperm for reproduction. organs include testes, vas deferens, prostate, urthera and penis
  73. medial
    directional term meaning near the center of the body
  74. median plane
    saggital plane
  75. mediastinum
    central region of the chest cavity, includes the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea.
  76. muscle fibers
    bundles of muscle tissue that forms a muscle
  77. muscle tissue
    tissue that shortens it's length and thus provides movement.
  78. muscular
    pertaining to muscles
  79. musculoskeletal system
    system that provides support for the body and provides movement. organs include muscles, tendons, joints, bones, cartilage
  80. nephrology
    branch of medicine that specializes in conditions of the urinary system
  81. nerves
    structures in the nervous system that conduct electrical impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and organs of the body
  82. nervous system
    system that coordinates all the conscious and subconscious activities of the body. organs include the brain, spinal cord and nerves
  83. nervous tissue
    conducts electrical impulses to and from the brain and the rest of the body
  84. neural
    pertaining to the nerves
  85. neurology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the nervous system
  86. neurons
    name for an individual nerve cell
  87. neurosurgery
    branch of medicine specializing in surgery on the nervous system
  88. nucleus
    organelle that contains the DNA
  89. obstetrics
    branch of medicine that treats women during pregnancy, during birth and immediately after childbirth
  90. opthalmology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the eye
  91. organic
    pertaining to organs
  92. organs
    groups of different types of tissues coming together to perform special functions
  93. orthopedic surgery
    branch of medicine specializing the surgical treatment of the musculoskeletal system
  94. orthopedics
    branch of medicine specializing in the treatment of diseases in the musculoskeletal system
  95. otorhinolaryngology
    branch of medicine that treats diseases of the ears nose and throat
  96. parietal layer
    outer pleural layer around the lungs. lines the inside of the chest cavity
  97. parietal pluera
    outer layer of the serous membrane lining the thoracic cavity
  98. parietal peritoneum
    outer layer of the serous membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity
  99. pelvic
    pertaining to the pelvis
  100. pelvic cavity
    the inferior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity
  101. pelvic region
    lowest anterior region of the trunk
  102. pericardial cavity
    cavity formed by the serous membrane sac surrounding the heart
  103. peritoneal
    pertaining to the peritoneum
  104. peritoneum
    membrane sac that lines the abdonimopelvic cavity and surrounds the organs
  105. plueral
    pertaining to the pluera
  106. pleural cavity
    cavity formed by serous membrane sac surrounding the lungs
  107. posterior
    directional term meaning toward the back or spinal cord of the body
  108. proctology
    branch of medicine specializing in the lower gastrointestinal system
  109. prone
    directional term meaning lying horizontal face down
  110. proximal
    directional term meaning located closest to the attachment point of the body
  111. pubic
    pertaining to the pubis, one of the pelvic bones
  112. pubic region
    genital region of the body
  113. pulmonology
    branch of medicine specializing in the respiratory system
  114. respiratory system
    system that brings oxygen into the lungs and expels carbon dioxide. organs include lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx, nose, bronchial tubes
  115. right hypochondriac
    an anatomical division of the abdomen. right upper row
  116. right illiac
    anatomical division of the abdomen. the right lower row. also called the inguinal
  117. right lower quadrant
    clinical division of the abdomen. contains portions of the small and large intestine, right ovary and fallopian tube, appendix and right ureter
  118. right lumbar
    an anatomical division of the abdomen. the right middle row
  119. right upper quadrant
    clinical division of the abdomen. it contains the right lobe of the liver, the gallbladder, a portion of the pancreas and portions of the small and large intestine
  120. sagittal plane
    vertical plane that divides the body into left and right sections
  121. skeletal muscle
    a voluntary muscle that is attached to bones by a tendon
  122. smooth muscle
    an involuntary muscle found in internal organs
  123. somatic
    pertaining to the body
  124. special sense
    the special sense organs perceive environmental stimuli. the eyes, ears nose and tongue.
  125. spinal
    pertaining to the spine
  126. spinal cavity
    a dorsal body cavity within the spinal column that contains the spinal cord
  127. spinal cord
    the spinal cord provides a pathway for impulses traveling to and from the brain. it is a column of nerve fibers that extends from the medulla oblongata of the brain down to the level of the second lumbar vertebrae
  128. superficial
    directional term meaning toward the surface of the body
  129. superior
    directional term meaning towards the head or above
  130. supine
    directional term meaning lying horizontally and face up
  131. systemic
    pertaining to systems
  132. systems
    several organs working in a compatible manner to perform a complex function or functions
  133. tendons
    the strong connective tissue cords that attach skeletal muscles to bones
  134. thoracic
    pertaining to the chest
  135. thoracic caivty
    ventral cavity in the chest. area that contains the lungs and heart
  136. thoracic region
    the chest region of the body
  137. thoracic surgery
    branch of medicine specializing in surgery on the respiratory system and thoracic cavity
  138. tissues
    found when cells of the same type are grouped to preform one activity.
  139. transverse plane
    horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower sections
  140. transverse section
    sectional view of the body produced by a cut along the transverse plane
  141. trunk
    the torso region of the body
  142. umbillical
    an anatomical division of the abdomen. middle section of the middle row
  143. upper extremities
    the arms
  144. urinary system
    system that filters wastes from the blood and excretes the wastes products in the form of urine. organs include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra
  145. urology
    branch of medicine specializing in conditions of the urinary system and male reproductive system
  146. ventral
    directional term meaning near or on the front or belly side of the body
  147. vertebral
    pertaining to the vertebrae
  148. vertebral region
    the spinal column region of the body
  149. visceral
    pertaining to the visceral or internal organs
  150. visceral layer
    the inner pleural layer, it adheres to the surface of the lungs
  151. visceral peritoneum
    the inner layer of the serous membrane encasing the abdominopelvic viscera
  152. visceral pleura
    the inner layer of the serous membrane sac encasing the thoracic viscera
Card Set
med term ch 2
body plans