Ornithology Lab Practical 1

    • Canada Goose 
    • year round and wintering residents
    • Mallard
    • year round and wintering residents
    • Anas playrhynchos
    • Ring-necked Pheasant
    • year round resident
    • ground nester 
    • omnivore (seed, insects, roots)
    • Wild Turkey 
    • year round resident 
    • ground nester
    • omnivore (seed, insects)
    • Northern Bobwhite
    • Colinus virginianus 
    • year round resident
    • ground nester
    • ground forager
    • Great Blue Heron
    • year round
    • tree nester 
    • wading bird (fish, amphibians)
    • Cooper's Hawk
    • ROUNDED tail
    • year round resident
    • Accipiter cooperi
    • Sharp-shinned Hawk
    • SQUARE tail
    • small head
    • winter resident
    • Red-tailed hawk
    • year round resident
    • dark leading edge of wing
    • Red-shouldered Hawk
    • Buteo lineatus
    • year round resident
    • Rock Pigeon
    • year round resident 
    • ground forager
    • Mourning Dove
    • diamond shaped tail, white edges
    • Greater Roadrunner
    • year round
    • tree nester 
    • ground forager (insects, larger prey beaten against rocks)
    • Eastern Screech-Owl
    • year round resident
    • Barred Owl
    • cavity nester
    • Strix varia
    • Great Horned Owl
    • Bubo virginianus
  1. Belted Kingfisher
  2. Red-bellied Woodpecker
  3. hai
    • Hairy Woodpecker
    • year round
  4. Northern Flicker
  5. woodpecker with crest
    Pileated Woodpecker
  6. Tree perching upside down
    White-breasted Nuthatch
    • Carolina Wren
    • year round resident
    • cavity nester
    • ground forager
    • beige belly
    • Bewick's Wren
    • gray belly
    • Eastern Bluebird 
    • Cavity nester
    • year round resident 
    • insectivore 
    • Field Sparrow
    • ground nesting
    • year round 
  7. black bird with red shoulder patches
    • Red-winged Blackbird
    • nest in marshes (ground nester)
  8. Meadowlarks
    • Eastern and Western
    • year round
    • ground nesters
    • House Finch
    • tree nester
    • year round resident
  9. h
    • House Sparrow
    • cavity nester
  10. Cackling Goose
  11. Wood duck
    • nests in cavities in large trees near water or in nest boxes
    • dabbler
    • Gadwall
    • Dabbler
    • Mallard-sized
    • gray sides, black undertail in drake
    • common winter resident
    • Blue-winged Teal
    • dabbler
    • SMALL (much smaller than Mallard)
    • white crescent on face of drake
    • common in early spring
    • Anas discors
  12. ca
    • Canvasback
    • diver
    • winter resident
    • Aythya valisineria
    • Diver
    • winter resident
    • Aythya collaris 
    • Greater Scaup 
    • diver 
    • winter
    • Bufflehead
    • winter resident
    • Diver
    • tiny in size
    • Hooded Merganser
    • nests in tree cavities 
    • dives (to catch fish)
    • winter resident
    • Pied-billed Grebe
    • year round resident
    • unable to walk on land with lobed toes
    • small
    • dives
    • white rump
    • Horned Grebe
    • green head with golden tufts in summer
    • lobed toes
    • unable to walk on land
    • winter resident
  13. American White Pelican
  14. Double-crested Cormorant
    • V-formation migration 
    • often bask
    • WINTER resident
  15. N
    • Northern Harrier 
    • holds wings in shallow V
    • year round resident
    • Grassland and marsh hunter
    • ground nester
    • American Kestrel (male)
    • males have slate blue wings, females have brown
    • year round resident
    • blue-jay sized
    • open country 
    • cavity nester 
    • Peregrine Falcon
    • Crow-sized falcon of open country
    • almost extince from DDT exposure
    • uncommon here (maybe migrations?)
    • American Coot
    • lobbed toes
    • bobs head
    • Wilson's Snipe
    • grasslands near water
    • American Woodcock
    • open woodlands
    • spring display
    • Bonaparte's Gull winter plumage
    • dark eye spots, white edge on outer part of wing.
    • Ring-billed Gull
    • yellow legs
    • white tail, black wing tips
Card Set
Ornithology Lab Practical 1
First okstate lab practical