final art 2

  1. 19th century epic-making events
    • 1.The industrial revolution
    • 2.Emergence of social problems with machine production
    • 3.Karl Marx and the communist manifesto
    • 4.The Victorian era
    • 5.Invention of the camera and tube pigments
    • 6.The advent of the telephone and automobile
    • 7.American civil war
    • 8.Admiral Perry opens Japan with diplomacy
    • 9.Migration and immigration on a vast scale
    • 10.Drive for women’s suffrage
  2. Implications of the industrial revolutions
    • 1.Inventions technological innovations
    • 2.Large-scale machine production
    • 3.Agriculture workers move to urban factory centers
    • 4.Led to the exploration of a laboring population
    • 5.A canal system was developed in England and western Europe to transport industry coal
  3. Realism
    • 1.Images thought by many to be unsuitable for artistic representation
    • 2.Challenged the heroic and idealized images of the past
    • 3.Paintings that reveal the human condition
  4. Implications of newly developed photograph
    • 1.It challenged traditional modes of pictoral representation
    • 2.Photography became an enormously useful tool for recoding the centuries discoveries
    • 3.It was perfectly suited to an age that saw artistic patronage shift from the elite to a broader base of support
  5. The academies
    • 1.Its purpose: to teach officially sanctioned styles
    • 2.Exerted great control over the art scene
    • 3.Patronized by the court and aristocracy
    • 4.Annual exhibitions in France called salons
  6. The African Americans artists experience
    • 1.The hardships of slavery and racial hate were seldom recorded
    • 2.Painted subjects were those that were accepted by the white community
    • 3.To study in Europe meant freedom from racial prejudices
  7. Pre Raphaelite brother hood
    • 1.Painters whose work stands out as the most intensely romantic aspect of Victorian painting in England
    • 2.Illustrated stories of morality religion and compassion
    • 3.Expressed an appreciation for the spirituality renaissance
  8. Victorian age
    • 1.Queen Victoria helped restore the prestige of the British crown
    • 2.Queen Victoria’s reign exerted influence in experimental and intellectual movements in art and architecture
    • 3.An eclectic era diverse in everything from fashion design to Victorian architecture.
  9. The 19th century sculptor
    • 1.The sculptures profession remained strongly a male pursuit
    • 2.Sculpture was not readily adaptable to capturing the optical color sensations many printers favored
    • 3.The perception that sculptor was manual labor was wide spread
  10. The environment for 19t century female artist
    • 1.An increased availability of new professional artistic training schools
    • 2.Impressionism was the first modern movement in the history of art in which women were significant in numbers
    • 3.The pressure to live traditional domestic lives continued to live strong
  11. Post impressionism
    • 1.Often a more theoritcal approach to imagery
    • 2.Subordinated color sensation for a more formal structure
    • 3.The social image of the modern artist emerges
    • 4.Sought a liberation from past academic practices
  12. Japanese woodblock prints
    • 1.Japanese art and culture appealed partisan society offering both beauty and exoticism
    • 2.The flatness o the prints interested artists wishing to call attention to the picture plane
    • 3.Japanese prints offered artists new ways to liberate themselves from past academic practices
  13. Impressionism 1
    • .A concern for light an atmosphere
    • 2.The recording of exquisite light and color sensations
    • 3.An attempt to capture immediate perceptual experiences
    • 4.Broken comma –shaped dabs of color
    • 5.Recognition of the Japanese art matured the impressionists gift for design
  14. Augusta Rodin
    • 1.The acknowledge giant of 19th century sculpture
    • 2.First sculptor of genius since Bernini
    • 3.He sculpted the human figure to personify various emotions and ideas
  15. Art nouveau
    • 1.A protest movement against industrialization and mechanization
    • 2.The natural forms of nature were the favored motif
    • 3.A decorative style in the 1890s
    • 4.Offered fresh new design approaches to synthesize the visual arts
  16. Skyscraper construction innovations
    • 1.Steel skeletal construction
    • 2.The elevator
  17. Implications of the skyscraper
    • 1.Satisfied the need for centralization
    • 2.Reflected a new era of technology and construction
    • 3. Provoked a re-evaluation of past architectural forms
    • 4.Skyscrapers would offer a new symbol for corporate America
  18. Eifel tower
    • 1.First truly large scale industrialized project
    • 2.For the first time in history abstract engineering forms were the goal
    • 3.The importance for future architecture no cosmetic embellishment
  19. Antonio Gaudi architecture
    • 1.A new conception of architecture and nature
    • 2.A disregard for conventional architectural protocol
    • 3.Emphasized the sculptural quality of buildings
    • 4.Decoration allowed to take free form
  20. Symbolism
    • 1.Artists who rejected symbolism as too naturalistic
    • 2.Artists who abandoned the optical worked for a realm of free imagination
    • 3.Artist who divorces themselves form conformity
    • 4.employed various symbols for personal expression and subjective emotion
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final art 2
art final 2