Poisoning, Drugs, Hazmat

  1. Any substance introduced into the body that produces harmful effect?
  2. defined as the presence of signs and symptoms associated with exposure/contact with substance
  3. Most ingested poisons produce signs and symptoms in less then?
    4 hours
  4. efforts to decontaminate stomach have little value after?
    1 hour
  5. What percent of poisons have antidotes?
    less than 5%
  6. What is treatment for ingested poisons?
    Gastric lavage or emetics followed by absorbants and cathartics
  7. treatment for inhaled poisons?
    Oxygen Ventilation
  8. Treatment for absorbed poisons?
    Cleansing of the skin
  9. Treatment for Injected Poisons?
    Antidotal Meds
  10. Most common route/exposure to toxic material in home?
  11. 2 catagories of substance that act locally on skin, eyes or mucous membranes through direct contact?
    Acids (corrosives) and bases (caustics)
  12. preferred method for empting stomach contents?
    giiving an emetic
  13. Treatment for non-corrosives?
    Drink 1-2 glasses of milk/water then empty stomach
  14. emetic that acts locally by irritating gastric mucosa and centrally?
    Ipecac Syrup
  15. used to speed movement of bound substance and minimize absorption?
    Cathartic (magnesium solfate or Sorbitol)
  16. Poison that causes burning/corrosion to mouth, lips, throat, stomach?
    Corrosives (acids and alkalies)
  17. does most damage in acidic stomach environment?
  18. Primarily destroys tissue in the mouth, throat and esophagus?
  19. High pitched sound coming from airway when corrosive is aspirated into lungs?
  20. Never try what when treating acid or base ingested poison?
    Administer neutralizing agent by mouth
  21. Do not do what to corrosive poisonings?
    Induce vomiting
  22. For poisonings with petroleum distillates with a DOC or PCC cannot be reached give?
    30-60 ml of Vegetable oil
  23. For petroleum distillates never?
    Induce vomiting
  24. Bacterial and Viral food poisoning appear within how long?
    8 hrs
  25. most common route of exposure to toxic substances?
  26. most common agent of gas poisoning an leaves lips an skin cherry red? (oderless/tasteless)
    Carbon monoxide
  27. most common cause of metal fume fever is inhalation of?
    vaporized zinc found in galvanized covoring of iron/steel
  28. stingers from bees and wasps should be removed by?
    dull knife
  29. black widow is identified by?
    hourglass on its belly
  30. Spider has violin marking on back and leaves necrosis an black scab on bite?
    brown recluse
  31. how do you identify crotalids?
    Pit-vipers, flat triangular heads with slit like pupils
  32. Elapids are what?
    Coral snakes, Cobra, Krait, and mamba snakes
  33. how do you remember what a coral snake looks like?
    Red on Yellow kill a fellow
  34. max time for constricting band is?
    2 hours, every half hour take off for 15 min
  35. What is the treatment for serious jelly fish stings
    pour vinegar (2 liters) over sting for at least 30 seconds
  36. Where are sea snakes found?
    warm waters of the indian and pacific ocean
  37. what is significant about sea snakes
    very poisonous but short fangs (1/4 in)
  38. What is the most common method of heroin?
    injecting directly into vein
  39. most widely abused drug today?
  40. directly affects central nervous system by increasing mental alertness and combating drowsiness/fatigue
    Stimulants (uppers)
  41. Cocaine, although classified as narcatic, is what type of drug?
  42. What is the name of marijuana
    Cannabis sativa
  43. materials with potential of harming people/environment?
    Hazardous material
  44. people involved with HAZMAT be familiar with what publication?
    Emergency Response Guidebook
  45. Hazard materials comprised of?
    4 colors
  46. HAZMAT yellow indicates
    the reactivity
  47. HAZMAT red indicates
  48. HAZMAT white indicates?
    Special Hazards
  49. HAZMAT blue indicates
    health hazards
  50. designed to prevent clean support zone from being contaminated?
    contaminated reduction zone - warm area
  51. process of removing/neutralizing contaminants?
  52. most frequently appropriate method of decontamination
Card Set
Poisoning, Drugs, Hazmat