NCLEX- Cardiac Glucosides/ Heart Failure

  1. Digoxin (lanoxin)
    Cardiac Glycoside. Treats heart failure and dysrhythmias (afib).

    + inotropic effect. increased force of myocardial contraction

    - chronotropic effect: decreases heart rate.
  2. What is the therapeutic serum level for digoxin.?
  3. What electrolyte imbalance can digoxin cause?
  4. What ca channel blocker can increase plasma levels of digoxen?
  5. What should the nurse do before administering digoxen?
    • Check pulse rate. Notify provider is pulse rate is less than:
    • Adults: <60, Children: <70, Infants: <90
  6. What are some signs of digoxin toxicity?
    GI effects (usually the first sign) nausea, vomitting, abd pain,

    CNS effects: fatigue, weakness, vision changes (diplopia, blurred vision, yellow-green or white halos around objets)
  7. for management of digoxin toxicity, what should the nurse give to the patient for brady cardia
  8. For management of digoxin toxicity, what should the nurse give for dysrhtmias?
    Phenytoin (Dilantin) or Lidocaine
  9. For excess Digoxen overdose, what can be used to bind digoxin and prevent absorption?
    Activated Charcoal, cholestyramine, or Digibind
  10. Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
    Catecholamine used for heart failure
  11. Dopamine (Intropin)
    Catecholamine used for HF
  12. Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
    Catecholamine used for HF
  13. Isoproterenol
    Catecholamine used for HF
  14. Terbutaline
    Noncatecholamine used for HF
  15. How does epinephrine help asthma
    Hits Beta 2 receptors and bronchodilates
  16. Catecholamines of contraindicated in client who have?
    Tachydysrhythmias and V-fib
Card Set
NCLEX- Cardiac Glucosides/ Heart Failure
NCLEX- Cardiac Glucosides/ Heart Failure