small rx

  1. - diseases that shift locations (glands)
    - discharges that ooze from the navel
    - babies failure to thrive/ stunted growth
    • Abrotanum (Abrot)
    • Southernwood
  2. - epilepsy
    - kleptomania
    • Absinthium (Absin)
    • Wormwood
  3. - hemorrhoids w/ sticking pain
    - varicose veins
    - sacral-iliac pain
    • Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesc)
    • Horse Chestnut
  4. - very shy people
    - vomiting in babies
    - agg from milk
    - fear to close at night because afraid never going to wake up
    • Aethusa cynapium (Aeth)
    • Fool's Parsley
  5. - nervous system disorders
    - panic attacks
    - fear of cancer
    - frost bite
    • Agaricus muscarius (Agar)
    • Fly / Bug Agaric (a fungus containing # of toxins)
  6. - depressed, melancholy states
    especially in men who have become prematurely old because of sheer amount of sex they've had
    • Agnus castus (Agn)
    • Chaste Tree
  7. - acrid nasal discharges
    • Allium cepa (All-c)
    • Red onion
  8. - diarrhea, with lots of gurgling in intestines
    & run to bathroom but don't quite make it
    (sounds like volcano about to erupt)
    • Aloe (Aloe)
    • Socotrine Aloe
  9. - agg from strangers
    - agg from music
    - very shy
    - immature
    • Ambra grisea (Ambr)
    • Ambergris, whale secretion
  10. - hay fever, especially with itchy eyes
    • Ambrosia artemisaefolia (Ambro)
    • Ragweed
  11. - lungs & heart fill up with fluid which leads to CHF (congestive heart failure)
    - lots of weakness
    • Ammonium carbonicum (Am-c)
    • Smelling salts
  12. - eruptions on palms (psoriasis / eczema)
    • Anagallis (Anag)
    • Scarlet Pimpernel
  13. - desire for coffee (very very strong desire)
    - violent temper out bursts
    - osteomylitis (infection of bones, bones being torn apart)
    • Angustura vera (Ang)
    • Bark of Galipea cusparia
  14. - spaced out people
    - out of body feeling
    - not able to function
    • Anhalonium (Anh)
    • Anhalonium (a cactus)
  15. - abscesses that turn black very easily
    • Anthracinum (Anthr)
    • Anthrax poison
  16. - warts
    - loves pickles
    - lots of stomach problems
    - white coated tongue
    - irritable children
    - aversion to being looked at
    • Antimonium crudum (Ant-c)
    • Black Sulphide of Antimony
  17. - weakness
    - lots of mucus in chest, hard to bring up, rattling loose cough but doesn't come up (cannot move fluid out of lungs)
    • Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t)
    • Tartrate of Antimony & Potash
  18. - stinging pains
    - hot but thirstless
    - ameliorated by cold applications
    - swelling & edema
    - painful urination
    • Apis mellifica (Apis)
    • Honey-bee poison
  19. - asthma / upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)
    especially worse lying down & ~ 11pm
    • Aralia racemosa (Aral)
    • American Spikenard
  20. - injuries worse w/ touch
    - sore, bruised
    - nose bleeds when water hits face
    • Arnica (Arn)
    • Leopard's bane
  21. - very hot blooded kids
    - hyper kids
    • Arsenicum iodatum (Ars-i)
    • Iodide of Arsenic
  22. - acrid nasal discharge
    - with voice cracking
    - will pick lip / nose to point of bleeding
    • Arum triphyllum (Arum-t)
    • Jack in the Pulpit / Indian Turnip
  23. - really hyped up nervous systems where extremely sensitive to noise
    • Asarum europaeum (Asar)
    • European snake root
  24. - sim to Tuberculinum
    - plus lots of ringworm
    • Bacillinum (Bac)
    • Maceration of Tuberculous Lung Tissue
  25. - headaches that go right to eye ball
    - no nonsense, blatant cough with a bunch of mucus flying out at the same time
    • Badiaga (Bad)
    • Fresh-water Sponge
  26. - septic states (smells like rot)
    - losing mental ability
    - delusion as if body being ripped apart
    • Baptisia tinctoria (Bapt)
    • Wild Indigo
  27. - sudden congestion / pulsations / inflammations / abscesses anywhere in the body
    - headaches with same feeling, congestion, throbbing
    - headaches worse stooping, bending forward
    -- KN: hot swelling pain redness
    -- Hot head + cold extremities
    • Belladonna (Bell)
    • Deadly Nightshade
  28. - aches & pains similar to Arnica, but tends to be more in gut / pelvis area
    • Bellis perennis (Bell-p)
    • Daisy
  29. - kidney stones / infections, esp where pain goes down thigh and bubble sensation in kidney area
    • Berberis vulgaris (Berb)
    • Barberry
  30. - pyloric cancers / hard pyloris sphincter
    - vomiting as soon as anything hits the stomach
    - vomiting better with chewing on / eating ice, ice cold drinks
    • Bismuthum (Bism)
    • Bismuth
  31. - canker sores, really bad & repeated
    - fear of downward motion
    - very hyper sensitive kids
    • Borax (Bor)
    • Biborate of Sodium
  32. - clots (thrombosis)
    - strokes (in legs)
    - wants to form clots anywhere in the body where it shouldn't
    • Bothrops lanceolatus (Both)
    • Yellow Viper Snake
  33. - intense diarrhea during menses
    • Bovista (Bov)
    • Puff Ball
  34. - upper respiratory tract infections
    with really big hard swollen glands in neck
    • Bromium (Brom)
    • Bromine
  35. - lots of different inflammations, traumas, infections
    - worse motion
    - better pressure, cold
    - irritable, dryness
    • Bryonia (Bry)
    • Wild Hop
  36. - retarded, developmentally delayed, autistic (most common remedy for)
    - masturbating a lot
    • Bufo (Bufo)
    • Toad
  37. - sensations of constriction like a band / vice around heart, ovaries, head (--> headache)
    • Cactus grandiflorus (Cact)
    • Night-blooming Cereus
  38. - craved tobacco big time
    - men with really high sex drive once they get impotent
    • Caladium seguinum (Calad)
    • American Arum plant
  39. - similar to Calc-c, but very warm blooded
    - have tendency towards bone growth (heal spurs)
    - gland / lump formation, uterine fibroids, breast tumor
    - arthritis w/ sx of Rhus-t (worse 1st motion, better continued motion)
    • Calcarea fluorica (Calc-f)
    • Fluoride of Lime
  40. - combo between Calc-c / Sulph
    - tend to be warm blooded
    - craves oranges, green / sour fruit
    - irritable, jealous
    - discharges anywhere that keep coming, yellow-white, green
    • Calcarea sulphurica (Calc-s)
    • Sulphate of Lime, Plaster of Paris, Gypsum
  41. - very very chilly people, yet want to uncover (not lots of clothes, blankets)
    - very weak (w/ flu, diarrhea)
    • Camphora (Camph)
    • Camphor
  42. - sudden, intense inflammation with intense burning
    - burns 2nd & 3rd degree
    - drank really hot tea & burned themselves
    - intesnse nymphomania (excessive & uncontrollable sexual desire in females)
    • Cantharis (Canth)
    • Spanish Fly
  43. - alcoholism
    - really red cheeks
    - mastoid problems (bone behind ear)
    - home sicknesses
    • Capsicum (Caps)
    • Cayenne Pepper
  44. - cancers with intense weakness
    - coccyx pain (as if fell on tail bone)
    • Carbo animalis (Carbo-an)
    • Animal Charcoal
  45. - history of cancer in family
    - caffe au lait spots
    - really nice people
    • Carcinosinum / Carcinosin (Carc)
    • Nosode from carcinoma
  46. - psoriasis of the tongue (cracked) & cracked nipples
    • Castor equi (Cast-eq)
    • Thumbnail of the horse
  47. - very painful during labor,
    uterus opening is closed & hard & doesn't want to open
    • Caulophyllum (Caul)
    • Blue Cohosh
  48. - lots of similarities w/ Lachesis
    - women tend to be lot more jealous, lot crazier, irrationa, esp right before period
    • Cenchris contortrix (Cench)
    • Copperhead Snake
  49. - right sided liver pains that go to shoulder, back, scapula
    - intense right sided headaches, esp better with hot drinks & even more esp with hot milk (also digestion)
    • Chelidonium majus (Chel)
    • Greater celadine (weedy plant of poppy family)
  50. - injury to head or spine which leads to intense convulsions / epilepsy
    - may desire indigestible foods, like sand
    - tends to be a remedy for kids
    • Cicuta virosa (Cic)
    • Water Hemlock
  51. - (often in women) feels like black cloud landed over them & surrounds them
    - headaches that feel like head is opening & closing
    - hysterical, talkative, loud people
    • Cimicifuga (Cimic)
    • Black Snake-root
  52. - very irritable children
    - hungry, eating, throw-up
    - convulsions
    • Cina (Cina)
    • Wormseed
  53. - sinusitis feels like weight of glasses sitting on nose
    - little red dots on head of penis
    • Cinnabaris (Cinnb)
    • Red Sulphide of Mercury
  54. - mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome
    - very chilly people
    - big, big glands - tonsils, cervical
    - strong desire for dairy, cheese
    • Cistus canadensis (Cist)
    • Rock Rose
  55. - testicular problems, pain & swelling
    - really bad skin eruptions
    • Clematis erecta (Clem)
    • Upright Virgin's Bower
  56. - vertigo (for any reason) that is worse with motion
    - sensation of head opening & closing
    - nausea from smell / sight of food
    - nausea from chemo / radiation (sick, vomit, dizzy)
    • Cocculus (Cocc)
    • Indian Cockle, Cocculus indicus
  57. - intense cough
    - feeling like something / particle in eye or throat
    • Coccus cacti (Coc-c)
    • Cochineal insect that feeds on cacti
  58. - "as if drank too much coffee"
    - overexcited / stimulated
    - cannot fall asleep
    - oversensitive to pain, smells, touch, light, etc
    • Coffea cruda (Coff)
    • Unroasted Coffee bean
  59. - nausea from / hatred of smell of eggs
    - gout, colitis
    - worse motion
    - worse in autumn
    - better doubling up (bending forward)
    • Colchicum (Colch)
    • Meadow Saffron
  60. - really bad hemorrhoids
    - constipation
    • Collisonia (Coll)
    • Stone Root
  61. - cramps & colics
    - better doubling up , with heat, with pressure
    - used for sciatica as well
    • Colocynthis (Coloc)
    • Bitter Apple
  62. - bleeding, esp from nose / vagina,
    where clotted, stringy, dark blood
    • Crocus sativus (Croc)
    • Saffron
  63. - similar to Lachesis
    - alcoholism
    - tear of blood
    - lots of bleeding easily, every where oozing out
    • Crotalus horridus (Crot-h)
    • Rattle Snake
  64. - pain in nipples that goes straight back, like string pulling backwards (sharp, retracting pain)
    - summer diarrhea, that is explosive and over, then repeats
    • Croton tiglium (Crot-t)
    • Croton oil seeds
  65. - cancer
    - lots of crack of the lips (esp in the corners)
    • Cundurango (Cun)
    • Cundurango (South American vine)
  66. - cramps anywhere, for any reason
    - KN: cramps from injury, cramps start in hand (outer extremities) and work proximally
    - fear of fire
    - thirst for ice cold water
    • Cuprum metallicum (Cupr)
    • Copper
  67. - paralysis where can still feel everything (as in viral infections, Polio)
    • Curare (Cur)
    • Strychnos toxifera (used in S American poison dart)
  68. - like Pulsatilla except much chillier
    - used for menstruation w/ lots of dark clotted blood
    • Cyclamen (Cycl)
    • Sowbread
  69. - feels like head is separated from body
    • Daphne indica (Daph)
    • Sweet-scented Spurge laurel
  70. - heart failure where pulse is too slow, weak
    - may have swelling of prostate with heart failure or on own
    • Digitalis (Dig)
    • Foxglove
  71. - colic, pain (in area of gall bladder or back),
    where wants to bend backwards to feel better
    • Dioscorea villosa (Dios)
    • Wild Yam
  72. - itching w/o eruptions, esp w/ hepatitis or liver issues
    • Dolichos pruriens (Dol)
    • Cowhage
  73. - severe intesnse, dry cough w/ vomiting (whooping cough)
    worse at night & lying down
    • Drosera (Dros)
    • Round leaved Sundew
  74. - skin problems alternating w/ respiratory problems, i.e., hives or eczema w/ asthma (back & forth)
    • Dulcamara (Dulc)
    • Bittersweet
  75. - fear of rain
    - cold sensation in stomach
    - likes to chew on ice / drink ice cold drinks
    • Elaps corallinus (Elaps)
    • Coral snake
  76. - severe bed wetting where urine almost like water
    • Equisetum (Equis)
    • Scouring-rush
  77. - uterine hemorrhage, if lifts things w/ even the slightest exertion
    • Erigeron (Erig)
    • Fleabane / Horseweed / Butterweed
  78. - bone pain, as if muscles being scrapped off bones w/ a knife
    - periodicity (tendency to reoccur at regular intervals)
    - pain often starts in back / pelvis & goes up and down
    - good for flu
    • Eupatorium purpureum (Eup-pur)
    • Queen of the Meadow
  79. - cancer w/ severe burning pain, esp. in the bones (think of when hard to say which remedy)
    • Euphorbium (Euph)
    • Euphorbium (African cactus like plant)
  80. - hayfever / colds w/ acrid discharge coming from eye
    • Euphrasia (Euphr)
    • Eyebright
  81. - many thyroid problems, ever since period stopped, or pregnancy, birth control, menopause
    • Ferrum iodatum (Ferr-i)
    • Iodide of Iron
  82. - history of anemia (or person taking iron)
    - flushing / pale face alternating
    - aversion to eggs
    - pulsating headaches
    • Ferrum metallicum (Ferr)
    • Iron
  83. - pain from shoulder to elbow (right side)
    • Ferrum muriaticum (Ferr-m)
    • Chloride of Iron
  84. - for 1st stage of inflammation or fever, fever for no apparant reason (similar to Belladonna)
    • Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p)
    • Iron phosphate
  85. - hyper sexual, "sexually adventuresome on the farm"
    - nice old ladies w/ varicose veins
    • Fluoricum acidum (Fl-ac)
    • Hydrofluoric acid
  86. - arthritis where joint blows / puffs up, calms down & moves to another joint ...
    Pterygium (covering over eye that starts in corner & moves outward)
    • Formica rufa (Form)
    • Crushed Live Ants
  87. - diarrhea / ulcerative colitis
    - very high sex drive (sometimes)
    • Gambogia (Gamb)
    • Gummi Gutti (gum resin from SE Asian trees)
  88. - nervous system diseases w/ weakness & trembling
    - cannot keep eyes open
    • Gelsemium (Gels)
    • Yellow Jasmine
  89. - sun stroke
    - hypertension / hypertensive crisis
    - headaches look like Bell (except worse leaning forward), better leaning forward / worse leaning back)
    • Glonoinum (Glon)
    • Nitroglycerine
  90. - really bad sciatica w/ (KN) that pain alternates w/ numbness
    • Gnaphalium (Gnaph)
    • Eternal Flower
  91. - ulcerative colitis
  92. Gratiola (Gratt)
    Hedge Hyssop
  93. - arthritis w/ intense contractions or just contractions in general (inside palm, hamstring, etc)
    - better w/ cold applications
    • Guaiacum (Guaj)
    • Gum guaiacum (tropical American tree/shrub)
  94. - hemorrhoids w/ vein congestion & bleeding
    - oozing blood anywhere in body
    - varicose veins
    • Hamemelis (Ham)
    • Witch Hazel
  95. - tumors of the jaw
    • Hecla lava (Hecla)
    • finer ash from Mt Hecla
  96. - very, very slow reactions to stimuli, retardation, autism, neurological issues, hydrocephalus (accumulation of excess CSF around the brain)
    • Helleborus niger (Hell)
    • Christmas Rose (from family of winter blooming plant)
  97. - very overly sensitive to pain & cold
    - abscesses overly sensitive / cannot touch
    - sharp sticking pains
    - worse cold, better heat
    • Hepar sulphuris (Hep)
    • Hepar sulphuris calcareum
  98. - leprosy
    - feels totaly separate from everyone else, outcast, no friends, no one loves them
    • Hura brasiliensis (Hura)
    • Assacu, South America tree
  99. - neurological kids (intense and violent seizures)
    - aversion to shiny things & water (esp lights off mirror, glass, car)
    - history of rabies shots
    • Hydrophobium (Hydroph)
    • Saliva of a Rabid Dog
    • aka
    • Lyssinum (Lyss)
  100. - injury to nerves w/ sharp pain going upwards after injury (i.e., hit finger with hammer and sharp pain goes up your arm)
    - depression (all about)
    - upward mov't to the whole individual, tries to ride above the pain
    • Hypericum (Hyper)
    • St John's Wort
  101. - lots of nausea / vomiting w/ KN that vomiting doesn't help
    - & big KN that tongue is clean (no coating)
    • Ipecacuanha (Ip)
    • Cephaelis Ipecacuanha
  102. - headaches / migraines w/ intense visual changes
    • Iris versicolor (Iris)
    • Blue Flag
  103. - similar to Ars-a / Kali-c
    - main thing: fear of ht dz / panic attacks
    • Kali arsenicosum (Kali-ar)
    • Potassium arsenite (Folwer's Solution)
  104. - acne alternating w/ epilepsy
    - feels like did something really really wrong: guilty, no way to make to heaven like did something really really bad (could have done it or not)
    • Kali bromatum (Kali-br)
    • Potassium Bromide
  105. - arthritis w/ pain shooting down arm (esp right before period)
    - effects heart w/ rheumatic fever (again, flair ups right before period)
    • Kalmia latifolia (Kalm)
    • Mountain Laurel
  106. - acrid discharges that burn (from someplace - anus, mouth, nose)
    - teeth falling apart in babies
    - vomiting food 3-5 hours after eating, in which food looks exactly like what ate (undigested)
    • Kreosotum (Kreos)
    • Beechwood Creosote
  107. - spaced out, out of body experiences w/ complaints, that shift sides LRLRLR
    - don�t like the sensation of fingers touching each other the touch
    • Lac caninum (Lac-c)
    • Dog's milk
  108. -torticollis (wry neck), stiff neck, from side neck muscle spasming
    - sinusitis - feels like pinches on bridge of nose
    • Lachnanthes (Lachn)
    • Red Root / Spirit Weed
  109. - nervous system dz (MS, ALS), with KN: hyperreflexia with touch
    • Lathyrus (Lath)
    • Sweet Pea
  110. - spasmodic event / angina (more of a pain issue than heart attack/clot)
    - with severe, intense pains from heart down to left hand, crushing pain
    • Latrodectus mactans (Lat-m)
    • Black Widow Spider
  111. - babies that come into the world, blue, not breathing, unconscious
    • Laurocerasus (Laur)
    • Common Laurel
  112. - gout and bad arthritis
    - injuries where area feels cold to the touch
    - injuries, feet, extremities better in ice cold water (w/ cold applications)
    • Ledum (Led)
    • Marsh / Labrador Tea
  113. - weak pelvic floor, feels like uterus dropping (sim to Sepia)
    - high sex drive fighting w/ high sense of morality
    • Lilium tigrinum (Lil-t)
    • Tiger Lilly
  114. - asthma that comes on suddenly with lot of sweating, nausea and vomiting
    • Lobelia inflata (Lob)
    • Indiana tobacco
  115. -sour diarrhea in babies, everything is sour (sweat, etc.)
    - aggravation from milk - like Merc but lot faster, intense
    • Magnesia carbonica (Mag-c)
    • Magnesium Carbonate
  116. - aggravation from milk
    - liver complaints
    - aggravation from confrontation
    • Magnesium muriatica (Mag-m)
    • Magnesium Chloride
  117. - cramping pain that is better with heat, pressure, doubling/ bending forward (as in severe menstrual cramps)
    • Magnesia phosphorica (Mag-p)
    • Phosphate of Magnesia
  118. - throbbing, congested headaches where blood escapes & feel better (nose bleeds, period)
    • Melilotus (Meli)
    • Sweet Clover
  119. - like Merc but lot faster, intense
    - bladder infections with intense bleeding & pain w/in hours
    - really bad diarrhea w/ tenesmus
    - tenesmus (squeezing continues, what was voluntary comes involuntary, cramping process continues - from any circular orifice continues to try & push out)
    - intense tenesmus - urine, rectum, anus, bladder, end of labor (pushing continues)
    • Mercurius corrosivus (Merc-c)
    • Mercury Chloride
  120. - typical Merc sx, mostly on right side
    • Mercurius iodatus flavus (Merc-i-f)
    • Protoiodide of Mercury
  121. - typical Merc sx, only occur on left side
    • Mercurius iodatus ruber (Merc-i-r)
    • Biniodide of Mercury
  122. - pains worse from cold/cold wind
    - fear felt in stomach
    - skin eruptions - key feature is lots of cracks
    • Mezereum (Mez)
    • Spurge Olive
  123. - extreme physical weakness w/ fever and / or -
    - huge purple bulging hemorrhoids that are worse w/ touch
    • Muriaticum acidum (Mur-ac)
    • Muriatic Acid
  124. - Tourette's syndrome, twitching, tics, esp around mouth and chin area
    • Mygale lasiodora (Mygal)
    • Black Cuban Spider
  125. - ht problems, esp of valves of the heart
    - ovarian pains that shoot upwards
    • Naja (Naja)
    • Cobra
  126. - history of sun stroke, with a general sensitivity to the sun / agg from the sun
    - bad problems w/ milk (agg)
    - weak ankles, turn all the time, ankles twist/turn too easily
    - agg from thunder storms
    • Natrum carbonicum (Nat-c)
    • Sodium carbonate
  127. - shares symptoms w/ Nat-m & Phos
    - KN: unusual desire for eggs
    - base of tongue yellow
    - stomach complaints
    - men have accidents @ night (ejaculations during sleep)
    • Natrum phosphoricum (Nat-p)
    • Sodium phosphate
  128. - narcolepsy (sleep)
    - very dry (mouth, eyes)
    - forgetful and confused
    • Nux moschata (Nux-m)
    • Nutmeg
  129. - kidney stones really really bad, more on right side
    - main thing: vomiting all over, intense, frequent
    • Ocimum canum (Oci)
    • Brazilian Alfavaca
  130. - Epilepsy that comes on at night, or when pregnant or only during menses
    • Oenanthe crocata (Oena)
    • Hemock Water Dropwort
  131. - agg from Oranges (as in eczema)
    - diarrhea
    - nervous system dz w/ double vision
    • Oleander (Olndn)
    • Rose Laurel
  132. - really really bad eye strain that leads to headaches
    • Onosmodium (Onos)
    • False Gromwell
  133. - strokes w/ flaccid paralysis
    - unconsciousness / narcolepsy
    - lack of sensation
    - ailments from fright
    • Opium (Op)
    • Poppy
  134. little girls who masturbate all the time
    • Origanum (Orig)
    • Sweet Marjoram
  135. - bad allergies to strawberries
    - heart complaints where pain goes down either hand
    - aggravated by thinking about complaints
    • Oxalicum acidum (Ox-ac)
    • Oxalic / Sorrel Acid
  136. - hemorrhoids that are aggravated by touch
    • Paeonia (Paeon)
    • Peony
  137. - �nobody likes me� (persecution complex / woe is me)
    - does stuff to make others like them
    - pain in right ovary
    • Palladium (Pall)
    • Palladium metalicum, metal in the Platinum family
  138. - severe pain due to kidney stones/ UTI, where pain goes downward to thighs
    - either have to be on hands & knees to urinate or leaning forward
    • Pareira brava (Pareir)
    • Virgin Vine
  139. headache centered in the eye, in which feels like rope pulling eye backwards (to back of the skull)
    • Paris quadrifolia (Par)
    • One-berry / True Love
  140. - car sickness / motion sickness
    - cracked skin esp in winter and on finger tips
    • Petroleum (Petr)
    • Crude Rock Oil
  141. bladder infection or irritation of urethra, where feels better to rub/scratch the opening
    • Petroselinum (Petros)
    • Parsley
  142. pain in breast between nursing, for plugged ducts in breasts, more on right side
    • Phellandrium (Phel)
    • Water Dropwort
  143. - glands that swell anywhere, esp neck, tonsils, breast
    - common for mastitis, esp when nipples crack
    • Phytolacca (Phyt)
    • Poke Root
  144. high sex drive in men where they burn out and develop neurological dz
    • Picricum acidum (Pic-ac)
    • Picric Acid Trinitrophenol
  145. intense shooting diarrhea - where anus prolapsed (mainly in kids)
    • Podophyllum (Podo)
    • May apple
  146. - septic, infected states (smells horrible)
    - KN: increased temp w/ normal heart beat or fast pulse w/ normal temp (normal is 10 beats faster pulse with 1 degree temp increase)
    - an infection where the room stinks
    • Pyrogenium (Pryog)
    • Decomposed Lean Beef
  147. Shingles (Herpes Zoster) with lots of intercostal pain (sharp pain around heart / pains between muscles & ribs), esp left side of chest
    • Ranunculus bulbosus (Ran-b)
    • Buttercup
  148. colic, intense trapped gas, esp @ splenic flexure (left turn in large intestine), esp w/ abdominal surgery
    • Raphanus (Raph)
    • Radish
  149. hemorrhoids w/ fissures & cracks
    • Ratanhia (Rat)
    • Rameria triandra / Mapato (a root)
  150. most sour remedy (everything): smell, personality, diarrhea
    (even more sour than Mag-carb)
    • Rheum (Rheum)
    • Rhubarb
  151. - similar to Rhus tox (arthritis worse from 1st motion & better from continued motion / achy stuffy)
    - lot of sharp / needling pains
    - agg around thunderstorms
    - testicular swelling
    • Rhododendron (Rhod)
    • Rhododendron / Snow Rose
  152. - little coughs w/ irritation being in pit of throat
    - cough w/ KN.: with change of temperature (hot to cold room, cold to hot room)
    - often needed after bad bronchitis, where little cough remains
    • Rumex crispus (Rumx)
    • Yellow Dock
  153. - eye strain leading to headaches
    - injuries w/ Periostial pains (bone covering) - like kick in shin
    • Ruta graveolens (Ruta)
    • Herb of Grace
  154. hayfever w/ intense sneezing
    • Sabadilla (Sabad)
    • Sabadilla off, (member of lily family)
  155. - women hemorrhaging from uterus, bad periods, miscarriage
    - w/ bright blood, dark clots
    - w/ KN: severe pains in sacrum alternating back - front - back - front
    - KN: hemorrhage worse lying down, better standing & walking around
    • Sabina (Sabin)
    • Savine (shrub/small tree of Cypress family)
  156. - asthmatic cough crisis in middle of night - cannot breath, turns blue, accompanied by lot of sweats (more so kids)
    • Sambucus nigra (Samb)
    • Elder
  157. - right sided headaches that start @ back of neck/shoulder and go up to forehead (or other way around)
    - right sided shoulder bursitis (like Lyc)
    • Sanguinaria (Sang)
    • Bloodroot
  158. - skin eruptions that crack
    - esp for bladder infections with increased pain right at end of urination
    • Sarsaparilla (Sars)
    • Red-bearded Sarsaparilla
  159. gangrene w/ black blood, where skin is cold on outside, but burning on inside & wants to be uncovered
    • Secale cornutum (Sec)
    • Ergot, a dz of cereal grasses
  160. - dirty old men (trench coat), dribbling semen as watch school children
    - women w/ alcoholic binges before their period
    • Selenium (Sel)
    • Selenium metallicum (constituent of bones & teeth)
  161. headaches on left eye brow, at Trigeminal nerve ending, sharp & specific (all pains - sharp & in little spots)
    • Spigelia (Spig)
    • Demerata Pinkroot
  162. - acute hyperthyroid diseases
    - cough in pit of throat, will cough if looks up
    (if trying to confirm & doesn�t cough when, looks up, ask person to breath in)
    • Spongia tosta (Spong)
    • Roasted Sponge
  163. cough and lose urine & stool & sweat (everything sqeezed like a sponge)
    • Squilla maritima (Squil)
    • Sea Onion
  164. intense weakness, esp in chest area that feels empty & hollow (KN)
    • Stannum (Stann)
    • Tin
  165. sinusitis and colds where:
    - feels like nose dried up
    - severe pain on nose bridge
    - really internally dry air passages
    - feels like breathing in fire
    • Sticta (Stict)
    • Lungwort
  166. - lots of black & blues (either platelet problem or injury)
    - menopause w/ lots of hot flashes & ulcers
    - KN: hurried, talk/walk very fast, in everything they do
    • Sulphuricum acidum (Sul-ac)
    • Sulphuric Acid
  167. for pregnant women with incredible/intense/frequent nausea & vomiting, that is worse w/ motion / food (a huge remedy needing re-hydration in emergency room)
    • Symphoricarpus racemosa (Sym-r)
    • Snowberry
  168. eye or bone injuries that don't heal quickly
    • Symphytum (Symph)
    • Comfrey
Card Set
small rx
abrotanum, absinthium, aesculus, aethusa