CT Registry Review vocabulary

  1. what is the normal range in adults for blood urea nitrogen (BUN)?
    7-25 mg/dL
  2. ___ is a form of streak artifact caused by insufficient number of views (data samples) obtained during data acquisition
  3. What is cerebra blood flow (CBF)?
    the quantity of blood (mL) that moves through 100g of brain tissue each minute
  4. what is the normal range of CBF in gray matter?
    50-60 mL/100g/min.
  5. what is cerebra blood volume(CBV)?
    quantity of blood (mL) contained within a 100-g bolume of brain tissue
  6. what is the normal range for CBV?
  7. ______ is the ability of a CT system to detect an object with a small difference in linear attenuation
    Contrast Resolution
  8. ___ is the quantification of the volume and dinsity of calium within the coronary arteries used to indicate a patient's risk of suffering a cardiac event
    Agatston Score
  9. ___ is a mathematical filtration used by the CT system to remove blurring artifact during the back-projection method of imag reconstruction
  10. what is the normal range for Creatinine?
  11. what is the CT dose index (CTDI)?
    approximate measure of the radiation dose received in a single CT section or slice
  12. ___ is a streak artifact that occurs at the interface between a high-density object and the lower-attenuation material surrounding it
    Edge Gradient
  13. ___ is a cone beam correction algorithm utilized to overcome potential attenuation calculation errors from the divergent beam of MSCTsystems
    Feldkamp-Davis-Kress (FDK) algorithm
  14. ____ is the midpoint of a slice sensitivity profile (SSP), where the effective section width for a ct acquisition is determined
    Full width at half maximum (FWHM)
  15. what is the normal range for glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
    men= 7014 mL/min/m2

    women= 6010 mL/min/m2
  16. Window level controls what?
    brightness (density)
  17. window width controls what?
  18. routine transit time for barium sulfate through the GI tract is typically ______
    30-90 min.
  19. ___- portion of the x-ray beam that falls on a single detector
  20. ___- represents degree of broadening that occurs along the z-axis during volumetric data acquisition.
    slice sensitivity profile
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CT Registry Review vocabulary
ct review vocab