
  1. Scout Law
    • A Scout is:
    • trustworthy, loyal, helpful,
    • friendly, curtious, kind,
    • obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
    • brave, clean and reverent.
  2. Trustworthy
    A Scout is someone who you can depend upon to do the right thing.
  3. Loyal
    A Scout is someone who will always be there for his family, friends and nation.
  4. Helpful
    A Scout is someone who serves others.
  5. Friendly
    A Scout is someone who builds relationships with all people.
  6. Courteous
    A Scout is someone who is always polite.
  7. Kind
    A Scout is someone who shows concern for others.
  8. Obedient
    A Scout is someone who follows the direction of a leader.
  9. Cheerful
    A Scout is someone who lifts spirits.
  10. Thrifty
    A Scout is someone who does not waste things.
  11. Brave
    A Scout is someone who is willing to face danger to help others.
  12. Clean
    • A Scout is someone who keeps his mind, spirit, brain, body and surroundings free of harmful things.
    • Note: The mind (conscience) is to the spirit as the brain is to the body. Our body is our physical existence and our spirit is our spiritual existence. Our brain controls the physical body and holds the information related to the physical world we gather throughout life. Our mind controls our spirit and holds the information given to us by our creator.
  13. Reverent
    A Scout is someone who is respectful of his creator.
Card Set
Meaning of the Scouit Law.