
  1. An unintended reaction to a drug is called a(n) _______. a. assault   b.  suicide  c.  poisoning  d.  adverse effect
    Adverse effect
  2. The medical term for high blood pressure is ______.a. hypertension  b.  arterioclerosis  c.  hypertensive heart disease  d.  hypotension
  3. Proximal and distal refer to ______. a.  degree  b.  direction   c.  front and back   d.  proximity
  4. Plantar flexion is a movement of the _______. a. shoulder b.  foot c. wrist  d. head
  5. Transverse means the same as _____.   a. oblique  b.  caudal   c.  horizontal  d.  vertical
  6. Foot injuries may include all of the following terms EXCEPT ________. a. patella  b. tarsals  c.  metatarsals  d.  phalanges
  7. Which of the following terms might refer to an injury of an arm bone? a. Ulna  b.  Scapula  c.  Clavicle  d. Ischium
  8. A report mentioning such words as  ''cranium,''  '' maxilla,''  and ''mandible'' refers to bones in the ______.  a.  hip  b.  spine  c.  wrist  d.  head
  9. Which of the following is a directional term?   a.  Cervical  b.  Thoracic  c.  Superior  d.  Lumbar
  10. Chronic kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant is termed _______.  a.  hemodialysis  b.  end stage renal disease  c.  hepatobiliary disease  d.  peritoneal dialysis
    end stage renal disease 
  11. The usual abbreviation for complete blood count is _____.  a.  CBC  b.  HCT  c.  GGT  d.  RBC
  12. CSF is the abbreviation for ______.  a. central sinus fossa  b.  cerebral  ventricles  c.  cerebral  spinal fluid  d.  computerized system formulary
    cerebral  spinal fluid 
  13. HCT refers to _______.  a.  hepatitis b.  hematocrit  c. hemagoblin  d. human chorionicgonadotropin 
  14. CNS refers to _____. a. creatine nuclear study  b.  chronic nervous syndrome c.  cerebral spinal fluid  d.  central nervous system
    central nervous system
  15. PKU refers to ______.  a.  packed cell volume  b.  phenylketonuria  c.  partial kinetic units  d.  prothrombin kits for urine
  16. UA refers to  _______.  a . universal coverage  b.  unbundling  c.  urinalysis  d.  uptake
  17. TBSA refers to ______.  A.  relative blood value  b. tuberculosis test  c. total blood and serum analysis  d. total body surface area
    total body surface area
  18. The study of causes of disease is called ____.  A. prognosis  b. etymology  c. origin  d. etiology
  19. A condition that affects the entire body is called ____.  A. encompassing  b.  metastatic  c.  systemic  d.  holistic
  20. Services in which a specialist’s opinion oradvice is requested are called _____.  A.didactic sessions  b. consultation  c.  ancillary services  d.  office visits
  21. All of these represent types of anesthesia EXCEPT which one?  A. typical b. local c.  regional  d. general
  22. Which of the following word pairs are opposite in meaning?  A. Tumor-mass b. Malignant- benign  c. Cyst-boil  d. Lesion-wound
    Malignant- benign
  23. Inspection of a body organ with the use of a lighted scope is called _____.  A. endoscopy  b. excision  c. incision  d. direct visualization
  24. Scraping of cavity using a spoon shaped instrument is called ____. A. biopsy  b. curettage  c. dilation  d.  excision
  25. Binding of the fallopian tubes for sterilization is called ______. A. vasectomy  b. fulguration  c.  ligation  d. suture
  26. A procedure using a needle and syringe to perform a biopsy is called an ____.  A. aspiration b. incision  c. excision  d. ablation
  27. A term meaning not progressive or recurrent is _____.  A. malignant  b.  benign  c. exacerbation  d. metastasis
  28. A word root meaning breast is _____.  A. lact-  b.  hyster-  c. mast-  d.  metr-
  29. Which of the following is NOT a type of closed fracture?  A.  Greenstick  b. Compound  c.  Comminuted  d. Simple
  30. Attempted restoration of a fracture or joint to its normal position is called ____.  A. arthrodesis b. traction c. reduction d. internal fixation
  31. Which of the following words does NOT refer to a part of the respiratory system?  A. Esophagus b. Primary bronchus c. Laryngopharynx d. Diaphragm
  32. Removal of a blockage from blood vessels is termed ____.  A. phlebectomy  b. endoscopy c. hematocystectomy d. embolectomy
  33. The covering of the lungs and thoracic cavity is called ____.  A. antrum  b. pleura  c.  alveoli  d.  bronchi
  34. The system that refers to the heart and lungs is _____.  A. cardiopulmonary  b.  respiratory  c.  vascular  d. ventricular
  35. An electrical device, which controls the beating of the heart, is a ______.  A.  bypass b. CABG  c. pacemaker  d. catheter
  36. Arteries clogged with plaque may form a condition called ____. A. pulmonary edema  b.  atherosclerosis  c.  multiple sclerosis  d. heart murmur
  37. Which of the following terms is NOT associated with the heart?  A. Superior vena cava b. Apex  c. Aorta  d. Saphenous
  38. Which of the following is NOT a term associated with the digestive system?  A. Jejunum  b. Epiglottis  c. Bladder  d. Colonic flexure
  39. An organ or tissue protruding through a muscle wall is called a ____. A. hernia  b. biopsy c. rupture  d.  hemorrhoid
  40. A combining form indicating liver is _____.  A. end/o   b. chole/o  c. hepat/o  d. gastr/o
  41. Removing a diseased portion of the intestine and joining the remaining ends together is called ____.  A. anastomosis  b. exteriorizing  c. D & C  d. excision
  42. Expansion of the cervix is called _____.  A.  labia majora  b. cervicopexy  c. dilation  d. curettage
  43. A pregnancy outside of the uterus is called a(n) _____.  A. ectopic pregnancy  b. cesarean  c. abortion  d. molar pregnancy
    ectopic pregnancy
  44. The ‘’true skin’’ or second layer of skin is called the ____.  A. epidermis  b. dermis  c. soft tissue  d. subcutaneous layer
  45. The branch of medicine that uses radiant energy to diagnose and treat patients is _____.  A.  oncology  b.   rehabilitation  c. radiology  d. pathology
  46. Terms for position and projection used in radiology coding would include all of the following EXCEPT _____.  A. coronal  b.  lateral  c.  transverse  d. venography
  47. Diseases named for persons are known as ____.  A. homonyms  b. eponyms  c.  synonyms  d.  acronyms
  48. The study of the composition and function of tissue is called ____.  A. zoology  b.  microbiology c.  pathology  d.  histology
  49. Hydrocephalus is a term for _____.  A . water on the brain  b.  the study of blood  c.  water on the knee d. the study of water
    water on the brain
  50. An individual who promises to pay the medical bill by signing an agreement to pay is a(n)  _____.  A. Medicare representative  b.  arbitrator  c.  mediator  d. guarantor
  51. An agreement to resolve controversy by an impartial panel is known as _____.  A. deposition  b.  bearing witness  c. trial  d.  arbitration
  52. Discovering whether a test or treatment is covered under a patient’s insurance contract is called _____.  A. predetermination  b.  precertification  c.  preexisting condition  d.  preauthorization
  53. ‘’Flexion,’’ ‘’extension,’’ ‘’rotation’’ and ‘’dorsiflexion’’ are terms which might appear in a medical report describing ____.  A. bones  b.  respiratory function  c.  range of motion  d.  circulation
    range of motion
  54. A coded listing of procedures with unit values taking into account the time, skill, and overhead required is called ____.  A. CPT  b. RVS  c. SNOMED  d. UCR
  55. A summary form listing key components of Evaluation and Management services is called a _____.  A.  fee ticket  b.  medical record  c.  claim  d. crib sheet
    crib sheet
  56. When the code used on a claim does not match the system used by the insurance company, what can occur?  A.  upcoding  b.  downcoding  c.  unbundling  d.  duplication
  57. Deliberate  manipulation of CPT codes for increased payment is called _____.  A. upcoding  b.  downcoding  c. unbundling  d.  duplication
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Medical Terminology